@Turgon https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/renegadegamestudios/artisans-of-splendent-vale hat ein paar preview Videos. Und #susd stellt das hier kurz vor: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kN8irVjVhp8
Draft US stablecoin bill would ban new algo stablecoins for 2 years
#algorithmicstablecoins #stablecoinregulation #virtualcurrency #virtualdollar #unitedstates #legislation #houseofreps #cryptolaws #draftbill #usdollar #crypto #terra #susd #UST #US
#algorithmicStablecoins #stablecoinregulation #virtualcurrency #virtualdollar #unitedstates #Legislation #houseofreps #cryptolaws #draftbill #USDollar #crypto #Terra #SUSD #UST #us
We had a slight change of plan and ended up playing "The Quacks of Quedlinburg" instead (https://www.schmidtspiele.de/detail/product/the-quacks-of-quedlinburg.html). Much fun was had.
Let me point you to a video review by Shut Up & Sit Down, in the unlikely case anyone is not aware of either: https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/videos/review-quacks-of-quedlinburg/
My assumption when I saw Quinns (of #SUSD) on the blaseball roundup was not that blaseball commissioned him to do the official roundup but that Quinns has got some weird side hobbies.