An amazing article on another polar drilling expedition a bit similar to #SWAIS2C #ClimateScience #HowMuchHowFast #Antarctica
#SWAIS2C #climatescience #howmuchhowfast #antarctica
The new report on #Antarctic #ExtremeEvents is clearly articulated in this Channel 4 report -
#antarctic #extremeevents #climatecrisis #SWAIS2C #howmuchhowfast #icemelt
The decline in #Antarctic #seaice this year is a “five-sigma event,” basically referring to how many standard deviations it is beyond the mean. 5-sigma makes it extremely outside the norm.
#antarctic #seaice #climatecrisis #howmuchhowfast #SWAIS2C
Antarctic ice drives crucial deep-ocean currents that help regulate Earth’s climate. But the system is slowing down. Check out why this is happening and what it means in @VeronikaMeduna's article... #Antarctica #ClimateCrisis #SWAIS2C
#antarctica #climatecrisis #SWAIS2C
"If nothing had changed, we'd expect to see a winter like this about once every 7.5 million years." Vast regions of Antarctic coast are exposed that we have never experienced as bare before.
#antarctica #SWAIS2C #climatecrisis #howmuchhowfast
Our first newsletter is out now! Check out:
#antarctica #SWAIS2C #howmuchhowfast #climatecrisis
Broken temperature records during an #elnino event are a symptom of underlying global warming. It’s this long-term warming which will ultimately trigger #climate tipping points, such as the melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet #SWAIS2C #HowMuchHowFast
#elnino #climate #SWAIS2C #howmuchhowfast
Almost the entire #WestAntarcticIceSheet sits on rock in deep depressions below #sealevel. Its vulnerable to an irreversible process where ongoing encroachment of warm ocean waters means #icemelt becomes self-sustaining, accelerating until it's gone.
#westantarcticicesheet #sealevel #icemelt #SWAIS2C #climatechange #howmuchhowfast #climatecrisis
Seeing life swimming 700m below an #Antarctic #icesheet around 500km from the open, sunlit ocean sent Huw Horgan into "just complete shock". Huw is one of the #SWAIS2C science leads and you can read about his find in a great long article #ClimateScience
#antarctic #icesheet #SWAIS2C #climatescience
Although we're concentrating on #WestAntarctica, the ice sheet in #QueenMaudLand in East Antarctica is not stable. Large amounts of ice have #melted in the past, most recently 5,000 years ago. #SWAIS2C
#westantarctica #queenmaudland #melted #SWAIS2C
Researchers have dropped a #submersible vehicle down a hole in #Antarctic ice to get their closest-ever look at the underside of #Thwaites Glacier. Our #SWAIS2C project will provide even more data to help with uncertainty around how #icesheets may affect #sealevel rise
#submersible #antarctic #thwaites #SWAIS2C #IceSheets #sealevel
Two of the members of the wider #SWAIS2C team feature in this article Justin Dodd and Finlay McElmeel compare retrieving #Antarctic #sediment #cores to time travel.
#SWAIS2C #antarctic #sediment #cores
This is how we see #Antarctica - at the centre of it all. #SWAIS2C is a couple of the proposed dots on the #WestAntarcticIceSheet as we will be #ScientificDrilling in two locations to understand whether the #icesheet melted in temperatures similar to 2 degrees of warming. Thanks to #IODP for the map.
#antarctica #SWAIS2C #westantarcticicesheet #scientificdrilling #icesheet #IODP
About 125,000 years ago, Turquet's #Octopus populations on opposite sides of the West #Antarctic Ice Sheet mixed genetically. The only way for this to happen involves a seaway across the continent caused by a collapse in the #WAIS. The #SWAIS2C project will check to see if the #icesheet has collapsed previously.
#octopus #antarctic #wais #SWAIS2C #icesheet
Interested in what's going on in #Antarctica at the moment? Featuring the #SWAIS2C #drill! Check out the Antarctica NZ newsletter at
A fascinating look at how the #NZDefenceForce helps out with #science in #Antarctica - they recently unloaded a lot of the #SWAIS2C gear for our upcoming mission examining whether the #WestAntarcticIceSheet melted in the distant past and what that means for our warming world #HowMuchHowFast. We're grateful for all the work they do on the frozen continent.
#nzdefenceforce #science #antarctica #SWAIS2C #westantarcticicesheet #howmuchhowfast
I'm thrilled to announce the new #SWAIS2C website!
Learn all about our project in #Antarctica and what it will do for our understanding of #climate and #HowMuchHowFast
#SWAIS2C #antarctica #climate #howmuchhowfast
The containers are almost all offloaded from the #OceanGiant at #McMurdo in #Antarctica. Our drill is all nicely packaged up, ready for the team to arrive later this year and get to work on #SWAIS2C. Thanks #NZDF and #AntarcticaNZ for your work in the midst of #COVID precautions.
#oceangiant #mcmurdo #antarctica #SWAIS2C #nzdf #antarcticanz #COVID
Some of the #SWAIS2C equipment (including the all-important drill) is being unloaded at #McMurdo in #Antarctica from the Ocean Giant (big blue ship) by #NZDefenceForce. The causeway in the bottom left has just been built. You can watch the action at...
#SWAIS2C #mcmurdo #antarctica #nzdefenceforce
Hey, hey, it's Antarctica Day! 🇦🇶
What is Antarctica Day? I'm glad you asked!
#Antarctica #AntarcticaDay #Antártida #SWAIS2C
#antarctica #AntarcticaDay #Antártida #SWAIS2C