@humbird0 The hail mary for was to publish the existing binary-tag based format under the "Open Screen Project". XML FLA files helped for interoperating with Pro / but never took FLA files. Everything got compiled to SWF before you distributed it and that's what did.

#adobe #SWF #flash #AdobeAnimate #FlashPlayer #unity

Last updated 2 years ago

How did this go down? Terribly.

died and indies moved to , who shipped their own web plugin instead of export. When died Unity shipped ACTUAL SUPPORT like never bothered to.

Adobe walked back their plans. This could have just gone down as a weird footnote, but instead they doubled down and cancelled their and plans out of corporate spite.

The lack of new Flash features basically guaranteed that HTML5 would kill them.

#flash #gamedev #unity #SWF #plugins #html5 #adobe #revshare #AS4 #FPNext

Last updated 2 years ago

had for a graphics API and to do cross-compilation. Adobe decided that you couldn't use both unless you paid up. They added to Flash to enforce this: files could not use both APIs unless they had an cert in them identifying which revshare was being paid.

This was years after wrote his famous open letter, BTW. Flash was STILL GOING STRONG despite not being on iPhone! And using Flash as a delivery mechanism for 3D games was a growth play.

#FlashPlayer #Stage3D #alchemy #DRM #SWF #adobe #stevejobs

Last updated 2 years ago

The Wizards/Hasbro fuckery with in the space reminds me of .

Flash used to be the lingua franca of indie . It even went beyond the Player: through professional developers were stapling movies into their game UI (e.g. Borderlands)

wanted to get in on this, so they announced SWF export. Adobe shat their pants and decided they were going to lock this behind a reporting and revshare requirement.

#ogl #ttrpg #adobe #flash #gamedev #ScaleformGFx #SWF #unity

Last updated 2 years ago

Bazza · @bazza
478 followers · 4880 posts · Server mograph.social

Proyecto para exportar e importar en


Esto y el tema que lo hace ver como Macromedia Flash y no tenés nada que enviarle al propietario

#swiffle #CGCookie #blender #SWF

Last updated 2 years ago