@humbird0 The hail mary for #Adobe was to publish the existing binary-tag based #SWF format under the "Open Screen Project". XML FLA files helped for interoperating with #Flash Pro / #AdobeAnimate but #FlashPlayer never took FLA files. Everything got compiled to SWF before you distributed it and that's what #Unity did.
#adobe #SWF #flash #AdobeAnimate #FlashPlayer #unity
How did this go down? Terribly.
#Flash #gamedev died and indies moved to #Unity, who shipped their own web plugin instead of #SWF export. When #plugins died Unity shipped ACTUAL #HTML5 SUPPORT like #Adobe never bothered to.
Adobe walked back their #revshare plans. This could have just gone down as a weird footnote, but instead they doubled down and cancelled their #AS4 and #FPNext plans out of corporate spite.
The lack of new Flash features basically guaranteed that HTML5 would kill them.
#flash #gamedev #unity #SWF #plugins #html5 #adobe #revshare #AS4 #FPNext
#FlashPlayer had #Stage3D for a graphics API and #Alchemy to do cross-compilation. Adobe decided that you couldn't use both unless you paid up. They added #DRM to Flash to enforce this: #SWF files could not use both APIs unless they had an #Adobe cert in them identifying which revshare was being paid.
This was years after #SteveJobs wrote his famous open letter, BTW. Flash was STILL GOING STRONG despite not being on iPhone! And using Flash as a delivery mechanism for 3D games was a growth play.
#FlashPlayer #Stage3D #alchemy #DRM #SWF #adobe #stevejobs
The Wizards/Hasbro fuckery with #OGL in the #ttrpg space reminds me of #Adobe #Flash.
Flash used to be the lingua franca of indie #gamedev. It even went beyond the Player: through #ScaleformGFx professional developers were stapling #SWF movies into their game UI (e.g. Borderlands)
#Unity wanted to get in on this, so they announced SWF export. Adobe shat their pants and decided they were going to lock this behind a reporting and revshare requirement.
#ogl #ttrpg #adobe #flash #gamedev #ScaleformGFx #SWF #unity