@SemAntiKast @phu @HWiesenmueller @v_i_o_l_a Hmm. Dort war das ja schon öfter Thema, beginnend mit @csarven's dokie.li Workshop bei der #swib17 und dann vor allem @hochstenbach's Beiträge bei der #swib21 und #swib22 . Da ist die Latte etwas höher, wenn mensch was Neues erzählen möchte. Interessant wäre sicher ein Überblick/Vergleich der beiden Ansätze "föderierte Server" (Fediverse) vs. dezentrale Pods (Solid).
It's true, the Fediverse rocks. By now, we are getting at least twice the engagement with our toots compared to the tweets.
(Of course, it wasn't like this last year at #swib21. #twittermigration made it happen.)
@shep You might be interested in Herbert van de Sompel's presentation "Scholarly Communication: Deconstruct & Decentralize?" (https://youtu.be/o4nUe-6Ln-8?t=505) which applies the Solid approach to Scholarly Communication or the more recent talk by @hochstenbach at #swib21 "Using linked data notifications to assemble the scholarly record on the decentralised web": https://youtu.be/7mgMSi5Vs0s?t=35
@emacsomancer We ran #swib20 & #swib21 with the help of @collocall . BBB for workshops plus a live stream for the main track and Mattermost (ColloChat) for conference chat. And very competent and friendly support.
@acka47 oh, die erste Nachricht hab ich gar nicht gesehen - super spannend finde ich das Projekt von Bernd Uttenweiler an der ETH mit den Wikidata basiertend Suchergebnisvorschlägen (https://eth.swisscovery.slsp.ch/discovery/search?query=any,contains,linth&vid=41SLSP_ETH:ETH_WD&lang=en)
aber das ist jetzt ja Eulen nach Athen tragen, nachdem er das auf der #swib21 vorgeschlagen hat. 😎
The last session "Discovery" of #swib21 will start in half an hour (15:30 UTC). Live stream: https://streaming.collocall.de/swib21/
Kick-off for the last day of #swib21 is in an hour (14:00 UTC) with the "Data models" session. #Bibframe #RDA #CidocCRM
Watch the live stream at https://streaming.collocall.de/swib21/ and join the discussion in the Town Square channel at https://swib21.collochat.de/swib21/channels/town-square.
#CidocCRM #rda #bibframe #SWIB21
The open day of #swib21 will start in 50 minutes (14:00 UTC) with a short live-streamed opening. Afterwards, people are invited to visit the booths that interest them to have a chat, watch a demo etc.
List of booths: https://swib.org/swib21/boothes.html
Live stream: https://streaming.collocall.de/swib21/
If you want to learn more about SkoHub Vocabs or #SkoHub in general, visit us today from 14:00-16:30 UTC (15:00-17:30 CET) at our #swib21 booth at https://swib21.collochat.de/swib21/channels/skohub-vocabs-booth (free registration needed).
The recordings of yesterday's #swib21 presentations are now online, see the YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?app=desktop&list=PL7fMsenbLiQ3kk6067QRQckO9CYv-t6-_
@jonny Related to that 2FA bit:
"Surveillance capitalism in our libraries " (SWIB21)
Sarah Lamdan, CUNY School of Law
(35m, with slides)
#Libraries #Librarians #SWIB21 #SarahLamdan #CUNY #Surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism
#libraries #librarians #SWIB21 #SarahLamdan #cuny #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism
Sarah Lamdan kindly summarized the topic of her #swib21 keynote in meme form. You can watch her whole talk on "Surveillance capitalism in our libraries" at https://youtu.be/cPImp8cu5BM
The recordings of the first conference day are now online: keynote by Sarah Lamdan and presentations by @hochstenbach , Annika Schröer and Dalton Martins. See the #swib21 playlist on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7fMsenbLiQ3kk6067QRQckO9CYv-t6-_
@hochstenbach is also offering a Solid booth at #swib21. Join the chat channel at https://swib21.collochat.de/swib21/channels/solid if you are interested in some details. (Free regiustration required.)
Here is the talk of Herbert Vande Sompel which was mentioned by @hochstenbach at #swib21 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4nUe-6Ln-8
The slides of @hochstenbach's talk on "Using linked data notifications to assemble the scholarly record on the decentralised web" can already be found on the web at http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-8728080 #swib21
One minute to go. Watch the #swib21 live stream at https://streaming.collocall.de/swib21/.