TTRPGkids was at SXSW EDU 2023 along with Michael Low, Maryanne Cullinan, and Chris Hopper... and we want to go again for SXSW EDU 2024!
In order to get approved, we need to show support from the community - much appreciated if you could take a couple minutes to vote on our proposals here!
#ttrpgkids #SXSWedu #ttrpg #education
I wrote up a recap of my time at SXSWedu!
Check it out on the TTRPGkids site (link below) for discussion, pictures, a link to the SXSW EDU page with panel audio, contacting about TTRPGs x EDU, and more!
#ttrpgkids #ttrpg #SXSWedu #education
This coming Tuesday and Wednesday, @LuckOfLegends, @culliope, @chrishopper and I are going to be at SXSW EDU talking about teaching with TTRPGs!
If you're in the Austin area and going to next week's events, let me know and come say hi at the convention!
Also, check out the TTRPGkids landing page here to find out more about the events (including links to them on the SXSW site), speaker bios, and educational TTRPG resources!
#ttrpgkids #ttrpg #education #sxsw #SXSWedu
@jolwalton paging @LuckOfLegends and @TTRPGkids :). They're both part of a panel at #SXSWedu this spring on that very topic.