From #LE23 to Greece elections today
Sending solidarity & support to Alexis Tsipras @atsipras & @syriza_gr
The Greek people need a government that stands up for democracy and that works for all - workers, families, children and pensioners. #SYRIZA
Eurodeputato SPD: una coalizione socialista-conservatrice è una pessima opzione per la Grecia #elezioni #Grecia #SPD #Syriza
#elezioni #grecia #spd #SYRIZA
RT @WIC_News: With SYRIZA victory, we will achieve a progressive cooperation govt, says Elena Kountoura
#SYRIZA #ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ_ΠΑΝΤΟΥ @syriza_gr @SyrizaI @SYRIZAEP @ElenaKountoura
#wicnews #Greece #greeceelections #Elections2023
#SYRIZA #Δικαιοσυνη_παντου #wicnews #Greece #greeceelections #Elections2023
RT @Amanatidis_Gian: Με τον Μακαριώτατο Πάπα και Πατριάρχη Αλεξανδρείας και πάσης Αφρικής Θεόδωρο Β' και τον τομεάρχη Εξωτερικών του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΠΣ Γιώργο Κατρούγκαλο. Στο μετόχι του Πατριαρχείου Αλεξανδρείας στην Αθήνα @gkatr #syriza #ΣΥΡΙΖΑ_ΠΣ
Quanto sta succedendo in #Grecia è solo l'ennesimo capitolo di un disastro annunciato: perché sul banco degli imputati non c'è solo l'attuale governo, ma ci sono partiti come #Syriza e #PASOK, responsabili di aver consegnato il Paese alla #Troika.
#Grecia #SYRIZA #pasok #troika
RT @espressonews_gr: Η ζωή Αθήνα – Βρυξέλλες της ευρωβουλευτού Έλενας Κουντουρά #elenakoyntoyra #synenteyxi #syriza
#elenakoyntoyra #synenteyxi #SYRIZA
RT @amna_newseng: #SYRIZA's @gkatr to @amna_newseng: Dialogue with #Türkiye based on international law necessary
RT @newsbreakGR: Έλενα Κουντουρά: «Ζητούμε ευρωπαϊκή στρατηγική για την ποδηλασία με στόχο να διπλασιαστεί η χρήση του ποδηλάτου μέχρι το 2030» #elenakoyntoyra #eyrokoinovoylio #podilasia #syriza
#elenakoyntoyra #eyrokoinovoylio #podilasia #SYRIZA
Of course we wouldn’t be in the Euro Group if @PearseDoherty and @sinnfeinireland had their way.
They supported the idea of leaving the Euro during financial crisis.
Their heroes then were #Syriza and @yanisvaroufakis,
Didn’t see them featuring at SF this year.
RT @RTENewsPaulC: Sinn Fein's Pearse Doherty says the only people interested in Paschal Donohoe's bid to remain as EuroGroup President are in FG + FF: "…
After reporting in yesterday’s @EP_PegaInquiry, the marvelous investigative journalist @e_triantafillou makes a 3rd victim of #PegasusGate in #Greece public.
It’s Christos Spirtzis, former minister under #Syriza, now MP.
The government in Athens has a lot to explain.
RT @e_triantafillou: Τα δύο μηνύματα που έλαβε ο Χρήστος Σπίρτζης από #Predator
Όπως και στην περίπτωση του @nasoskook και του Νίκου Ανδρουλάκη, το ένα λινκ είναι …
#PegasusGate #Greece #SYRIZA #predator
#Turkey continues to instrumentalise migrants at the #EU’s external borders. It is sad and shameful that #Syriza is acting as #Erdogan’s mouthpiece in the #EP by repeating media lines from #Ankara & spreading fake news #AnnaMichelleMEP
#Turkey #EU #SYRIZA #Erdogan #EP #ankara #AnnaMichelleMEP
RT @SyrizaI: 🟥While MEPs & the EU Commission discuss the threats of the #freedomofPress,#Greece is ranked 108th internationally by the #RSFIndex - it used to rank 65th in 2019 (#SYRIZA government) and 70th last year.The Greek government is discovering “errors” in the methodology...
#freedomofpress #Greece #rsfindex #SYRIZA #wpfd2022
RT @hdpdiplomacy: #HDP Delegation has met leader of #SYRIZA @atsipras and the new board at the dinner meeting in Athens. HDP representatives conveys our party's messages and wish a successful term for a new beginning.