RT from Suman সুমন #Andolanjeevi #SaabYaadRakhaJayega (@sumonseng)
What a headline from @ttindia
Mega Slap on Pega Shush
This is ideal for this #ModiSpyScandal
#Andolanjeevi #SaabYaadRakhaJayega #ModiSpyScandal
RT @sumonseng@twitter.com
If #AjayBisht Govt can put up the names of people who are protesting against #CAA_NRC_NPR in public places , why can't we put up the names of #AnilAmbani #RanaKapoor #NiravModi & likes who are " Friends of PM" in public places with the logo of #YesBank
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sumonseng/status/1236139629645950976
#SaabYaadRakhaJayega #YESBank #niravmodi #ranakapoor #AnilAmbani #CAA_NRC_NPR #AjayBisht