Identify and remember those who are opposing women's entry into temples, Masjids or any religious structure. Ask them their reasons. Ask them why men can and women cannot. "There are women specific temples too" is not an answer. #SabarimalaVerdict
Absurd. - The #SupremeCourt on Thursday, by 3 :2 majority, decided to keep the review petitions in #Sabarimala matter pending until a larger bench determines questions related to essential religious practices.
Read Judgment:
#SupremeCourt #sabarimala #SabarimalaVerdict
#SabarimalaVerdict #RafaleVerdict #JusticeForFathima, #AyodhaVerdict & many more are trending on Social Media!
In reality, they broke cherished dreams of millions of Indians, who were looking for a justice based society, through judiciary or various institutions, election based politics!
Democracy (present one is for the elite and affluent class) has failed us in all respect! It gave us unemployment, inequality, poverty, ignorance, superstition, terrorism, war!
#Revolution only solution!!
#JusticeForFathima #SabarimalaVerdict #RafaleVerdict #AyodhaVerdict #revolution
#SabarimalaVerdict is postponed! Women's equality is not possible in capitalism.
Remember, religion is anti women platform!
ശബരിമല 7 അംഗ ബെഞ്ചിലേക്ക്...
#sabarimala #SabarimalaVerdict
#sabarimala #SabarimalaVerdict