Mattias Schlenker · @mattias
750 followers · 3667 posts · Server

In the night from the 22nd to the 23rd of August 1927 Ferdinando „Nicola“ and Bartolomeo were murdered

#Sacco #vanzetti #SaccoAndVanzetti

Last updated 1 year ago

Théophraste Longuet · @theolong
318 followers · 6200 posts · Server

Aujourd'hui, 23 aout 2023, cela fait 96 ans depuis l'exécution de Nicola et Bartolomeo , deux militants , condamnés à mort aux USA, après un procès inéquitable.

Il y a quelque temps, j'avais, dans le cadre du jeu , sur Twitter, fait deviner la chanson "Here's To You" qui est un hommage, popularisé par Joan Baez. Je la reposte.

#SaccoAndVanzetti #anarchy #anarchism #anarchisme #justice #devinelachanson #anarchistes #vanzetti #sacco

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1579 followers · 3292 posts · Server

Today in Labor History July 8, 1898: May Picqueray was born. She was a French anarchist, trade unionist and pacifist, who published the pacifist, anti-militarist periodical Le Réfractaire from 1974 to 1983. In 1921, in response to the silence of the French press on the convictions of Sacco and Vanzetti, she sent a parcel bomb containing a defensive grenade and leaflets to the American embassy. Her efforts helped mobilize French journalists, without harming any people and only causing damage to material. In 1922, as a delegate of the Metalworkers union, she visited Moscow, where she climbed on a table full of Red Trade Union officials to denounce their having a luxurious banquet while the common people starved. She refused to shake hands with Trotsky because of his responsibility for crushing the Kronstadt rebellion, and his betrayal of Nestor Makhno. During the Spanish Civil War, she helped transport orphans out of the country. During World War II, she help people escape French concentration camps. She also was a participant in the French uprising of May 1968, participated in anti-nuclear campaigns and supported war resisters.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #maypicqueray #pacifism #antiwar #civilwar #concentrationcamp #union #organizer #feminism #kronstadt #antinuke #NestorMakhno #trotsky #SaccoAndVanzetti

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1072 followers · 2120 posts · Server

Today in Labor History April 15, 1920: Two men robbed and killed Frederick Parmenter & Alessandro Berardelli in South Braintree, Massachusetts. They stole $15,776.51. The anarchists, Sacco & Vanzetti, were blamed for the robbery. A kangaroo court convicted them and sentenced them to death.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #SaccoAndVanzetti #prison #execution #deathpenalty #racism #JoanBaez #enniomorricone

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
816 followers · 1417 posts · Server

Today in Labor History February 22, 1918: At the height of the first Red Scare, U.S. authorities raided the office of “Cronaca Sovversiva.” Sacco and Vanzetti had written for this anarchist paper and donated money to it. It was their first documented link to the anarchist movement. Luigi Galleani published the paper from 1903 to 1920. He came to the U.S. in 1901 after escaping from an Italian prison. He participated in the Paterson silk strike where he was wounded and charged with rioting.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #strike #redscare #cronacasovversiva #SaccoAndVanzetti #prison #Riot #luigigalleani

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
266 followers · 318 posts · Server

Today in Labor History December 9, 1935: Walter Liggett, American newspaper editor and muckraker, was murdered in a drive by shooting with a Thompson submachine gun, as he stepped out of his car, groceries in his hand. His wife and daughter were in the car and witnessed his death. Liggett was a card-carrying member of the American Socialist Party, but he more of a Mid-Western Populist-Socialist than a Marxist. In the 1920's he participated in efforts to free Sacco and Vanzetti and Thomas Mooney. In a series of articles, he accused Farmer-Labor politicians of collusion with the organized crime family of Isadore Blumenfield. He accused Minnesota Governor Floyd Olson of corruption and said that he should be impeached and prosecuted. In response, Blumenfield tried to bribe him to stop his exposés, but Liggett refused. Blumenfield and his gang savagely beat Liggett up. Liggett escalated his attacks and began printing a list of reasons for Olson's impeachment on the front page of the Midwest-American. Soon after, he was murdered.

#walterliggett #journalism #socialism #marxism #mafia #SaccoAndVanzetti

Last updated 2 years ago

Strega Larsen 💀💥💜 · @streganebula
60 followers · 134 posts · Server

🎥 J’ai regardé les livres 1 et 2 de “Ni dieu Ni maître, une histoire de l’anarchisme” de T. Ramonet - je trainais un peu des pieds parce que j’en avais pas entendu que du bien.

Du coup, il évoque Sacco et Vanzetti dans le livre 2, alors j’ai Joan Baez en boucle en tête, je me sens obligée de vous le partager !


Here's to you, Nicola and Bart,
Rest forever here in our hearts,
The last and final moment is yours,
That agony is your triumph.

#anarchie #anarchy #saccoevanzetti #SaccoAndVanzetti

Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11192 posts · Server

22 April, is s birthday

Riots Erupt After 1927 Verdict Against Italian Immigrants ⚖️ America in Color | Smithsonian Channel

Silly paranoia about
& xenophobia towards

On August 23, 1927, a federal judge sentenced two Italian immigrants, and , to the electric chair. The decision would spark p...

#vanzetti #anarchists #racism #italians #WrongfulConvictions #NicolaSacco #BartolomeoVanzetti #SaccoAndVanzetti

Last updated 3 years ago

Abolition Media · @amwenglish
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