In so-called #SacramentoCA over 50+ turned out for a vigil in solidarity with #5dead #25injured #CoSprings #QClubMassacre. Many armed and calling for a unified response against our attackers, chanting "#QueerMeansAttack // #QueersBashBack"
#SacramentoCA #5dead #25injured #cosprings #QClubMassacre #QueerMeansAttack #queersbashback
We have been having trouble uploading media to Mastadon since the #WestCoastUnitedAgainstFascism week of action. We will be working to return to regular posting soon. Here is a video from Saturdays 11/19 #TDOR #transdayofremembrance vigil in so-called #SacramentoCA where two dozen Lavender Angels showed out to pay their respects.
#westcoastunitedagainstfascism #tdor #transdayofremembrance #SacramentoCA