PKS päälle on parkkeerattu sitkeä saderintama, joka kastelee kaupunkilaisia tuossa ennusteen loppuun saakka
Ihana kesäsade <3 Oon ollut niin iloinen tästä heinäkuun säästä Suomessa. Ei liian kuumaa, ei liian kylmää, ja kerrankin tarpeeksi - mutta ei liiaksi - sadetta.
Pitäis varmaan laittaa joku kurakaarellinen pyörä, jotta pääsis töihin perse kuivana
#GreatAlbums1990s - #Sade – #LoveDeluxe (1992). Sade’s albums are the musical equivalent of cosy quilt on a chilly evening. Her liquid purr of a voice and the band’s erudite soul remain in fine form on hits like “No Ordinary Love” and “Kiss of Life.” The socially aware “Feel No Pain” evokes empathy for the underprivileged, an example of lyrical depth lurking beneath the calm veneer. The last before an 8-year hiatus, Sade’s only 90s disc hasn’t aged a day.
#Albums, #Music, #Reviews, #PopMusic
#popmusic #reviews #Music #albums #lovedeluxe #Sade #greatalbums1990s
Happy 35th anniversary to Sade’s album, ‘Stronger Than Pride’ (my personal favorite album of their catalogue). Released this week in 1988. #sade #strongerthanpride #loveisstrongerthanpride #paradise #nothingcanconebetweenus #turnmybackonyou #hauntme
#Sade #strongerthanpride #loveisstrongerthanpride #paradise #nothingcanconebetweenus #turnmybackonyou #hauntme
Great song; that's it, that's the post #music #Sade
Happy anniversary to Sade’s debut album, ‘Diamond Life’. Released this week in the US in 1985 (and previously, the week of July 16, 1984 in the UK). #sade #sadeadu #helenfolsadeadu #diamondlife #yourloveisking #whenamigoingtomakealiving #smoothoperator #hangontoyourlove
#Sade #sadeadu #helenfolsadeadu #diamondlife #yourloveisking #whenamigoingtomakealiving #smoothoperator #hangontoyourlove
Happy anniversary to Sade’s debut album, ‘Diamond Life’. Released this week in the US in 1975 (and previously, the week of July 16, 1984 in the UK). #sade #sadeadu #helenfolsadeadu #diamondlife #yourloveisking #whenamigoingtomakealiving #smoothoperator #hangontoyourlove
#Sade #sadeadu #helenfolsadeadu #diamondlife #yourloveisking #whenamigoingtomakealiving #smoothoperator #hangontoyourlove
So, the next artist is #Sade and it would be fair to say that she does nothing for me, but I remember that Ice-T did have a thing for her back in the 80s thanks to some #NME or #MelodyMaker article I remember reading back then. Well, now, #IceT is another matter. Here's I'm Your Pusher.
#Music #ImYourPusher #icet #melodymaker #nme #Sade
I once stopped having a crush on a guy when he told me he didn’t like female vocalists when I asked him if he liked #Sade
Wishing a very happy birthday to the goddess that is Sade. #sade #sadeadu #diamondlife #promise #strongerthanpride #lovedeluxe #loversrock #soldieroflove #goddess #icon
#Sade #sadeadu #diamondlife #promise #strongerthanpride #lovedeluxe #loversrock #soldieroflove #goddess #icon
Just sang #Sade’s #SmoothOperator for #Christmas #Karaoke but I think I prefer Holomorphic Operator #mathjoke
#mathjoke #karaoke #christmas #smoothoperator #Sade