Vermisse die #neeva Suchmaschine noch immer, bin aber mittlerweile wirklich froh, dass es #Kagi gibt. Die Suche ist in den metzten Monaten echt deutlich besser geworden 👌🏻
Und vor allem gibt es wirklich regelmäßig Updates:
Um so nerviger ist es, dass man in #iOS bzw. #Safari keine komplett freie Wahl in Sachen Standardsuchmaschine hat 😒
Mir fällt gerade ein. Die teuerste #safari in #berlin mit Hundertschaften von #polizei #hubschrauber und #warmebildkamera haben wir ja mit unseren #Steuergeld bezahlt.
Wenn ich mich nicht #vegan ernähren würde, dann würde ich jetzt aber einen #Wildschwein Braten als #Entschuldigung einfordern.
Das ist ja wohl das Mindeste! 😡
Ich nehme dann die #Polenta mit Steinpilzen dazu.
#Safari #berlin #polizei #hubschrauber #warmebildkamera #Steuergeld #vegan #Wildschwein #Entschuldigung #asterixundobelix #Polenta
Woah :awesome: did you know that #Firefox has an implementation of masonry layout?
It is only implemented in Firefox (behind a flag) and #Safari 17 (Technical Preview) at the moment, though (one more reason to ditch Chr**e and Ed*e if you ask me).
#Firefox #Safari #CSS #cssgrid #masonry #layout #webdev
Honest question for #webmasters out there... Is there a reason that so many businesses don't get you to program their sites to be compatible with #Apple #Safari - this "we only support #Edge and #Chrome " is getting tiring. #Thanks
#webmasters #apple #Safari #edge #Chrome #Thanks
Man did I invest hours to find out how to make this in Photoshop! The look of Mac OS X in 2001. When we used this on web sites, it forced us to cut all buttons as images. And yes, it was #HTML 3.01 <table> layouts for #NetscapeNavigator. #Safari did not even exist. Good old times. I'm suprised I still can do it. The iMac G3 restoration project brings back memories.
#Mac #Apple #Webdesign #Retro
#html #netscapenavigator #Safari #Mac #apple #webdesign #retro #technews »#Apple’s new #iOS and #iPadOS 16.4 betas will let #Safari #webapps on your #homescreen send you #pushnotifications, according to a new post on the WebKit blog.«
#technews #Apple #iOS #ipados #Safari #webapps #homescreen #PushNotifications
#safari is really bad at playing this animated webp (framerate rapidly drops and it maxes out a cpu thread), while google #chrome plays it just fine
@jaffathecake #Safari only supports container queries since v16, which leaves out a lot of users. And the polyfill is unfortunately a web vitals killer.
Still looking forward to cqs becoming standard.
I wish Mac OS and Safari versioning were easier to track.
#macOS #Safari #SafariVersion #webdevelopment
On découvre toujours des choses...
#Safari #Apple #Mac
"Analysis of HSTS Caches of Different Browsers" by Florian Bausch
The Reason I recently stumbled upon a strange behavior in my Firefox: I visited an HTTPS-enabled website that I had visited before and saw that my Firefox connected insecurely via HTTP. I found that strange because nowadays, most websites set the HSTS header, which is supposed to force the browser to connect via HTTPS. I […]…
#Misc, #browser, #Chrome, #Firefox, #forensics, #HSTS, #Safari
#Misc #browser #chrome #firefox #forensics #HSTS #Safari