Imagine if the Ā£3.6 Million & money for the influencers had been spent on #cleanair & safe education for all? How many 100,000s of teachers, kids & their families would have been spared #LongCovid? #SafeEdForAll #LongCovid #CleanAir
#SafeEdForAll #LongCovid #cleanair
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #LancasterGate #LancasterGateTubeStation #JoyDivision #JoyDivisionCover #LoveWillTearUsApart #LoveWillTearUsApartCover
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #lancastergate #lancastergatetubestation #joydivision #joydivisioncover #LoveWillTearUsApart #lovewilltearusapartcover
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #LaVieEnRose #LaVieEnRoseCover #EdithPiaf #EdithPiafCover
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #lavieenrose #lavieenrosecover #edithpiaf #edithpiafcover
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #christmas #ChristmasSong #Christmas2022 #SpiceGirls #SpiceGirlsCover #2Become1 #2Become1Cover
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #christmas #christmassong #Christmas2022 #spicegirls #spicegirlscover #2become1 #2become1cover
hi there, I hope everyone has a good evening.
So there's that.
otherwise, have a lovely weekend.
#LongCovid #CovidIsAirborne #MaskUp #KeepClassroomsSafe #SafeEdForAll. š· ā¤ļø
#LongCovid #COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp #keepclassroomssafe #SafeEdForAll
hi there, I hope everyone has a good evening. also, WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A FUCKING PANDEMIC OF A VASCULAR/NEURO-INVASIVE VIRUS THAT WILL DISABLE MANY WHO CONTRACT IT. So there's that. otherwise, have a lovely weekend. š· ā¤ļø #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborne #MaskUp #KeepClassroomsSafe #SafeEdForAll
#LongCovid #COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp #keepclassroomssafe #SafeEdForAll
{my toots auto-combust after a week}
hi, a belated #Introduction here.
Iām a covid-cautious teacher just trying to survive the apocalypse. I try to advocate for students whenever possible and try to avoid reinfection myself. I applaud and support everyone who continues to be covid-cautious, you are my hero.
#LongCovid for the past year plus, with some gains only to be followed by setbacks/relapse. For me seems like things are moving closer to #MECFS symptoms but unsure and my doctors are no help.
Love comrades who support #Antifascist #Antifa and favor #Abolition of police and prisons. (Though I'm rather all-talk in this area, I need to do more and would like to learn how.)
Concerned about climate change. Personally I favor #degrowth and #radicalsimplicity (over so-called green tech).
Other loves include digging in dirt or sand, listening to music of most kinds, learning piano, photography, freaking myself out on optical illusions, and marveling at rambunctious wildlife.
I look forward to meeting you.
#LongCovid #CovidIsAirborne #MaskUp #KeepClassroomsSafe #SafeEdForAll #ClimateJustice #Antifascist #DefundThePolice #Piano #Photography #AnimalRights #Introvert
#Introduction #LongCovid #mecfs #antifascist #antifa #Abolition #degrowth #RadicalSimplicity #COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp #keepclassroomssafe #SafeEdForAll #ClimateJustice #DefundThePolice #piano #photography #animalrights #introvert
RT It is time to push for #COVID19 compensation else we will continue to be ignored
#SARSCoV2 #COVIDisAirborne #LongCovid #LongCovidkids #LongHaulers #SafeEdForAll #SafeSchools #MicroClots #MaskUp
#COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #COVIDisAirborne #LongCovid #LongCovidKids #LongHaulers #SafeEdForAll #SafeSchools #microclots #MaskUp
@Sharr0w In the summary, the phrasing "only mild illness" seems rather odd to me, as I think the study they cite defines "mild" as anything not requiring hospitalization.
But still.
Such an important point that no covid infection is 'just a cold.'
#LongCovid #CovidIsAirborne #MaskUp #CleanTheAir #SafeEdForAll
#COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp #CleanTheAir #SafeEdForAll #LongCovid
Advent Calendar - Christmas Eve
Will This Be The Last Year That You Believe? (original)
Made it! I had planned to finish with "Last Christmas", but I found myself writing this yesterday.
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #OriginalSong #christmas #ChristmasSong #Christmas2022 #WillThisBeTheLastYearThatYouBelieve #ChristmasFever #DustAndAngerAndFear
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #OriginalSong #christmas #christmassong #Christmas2022 #willthisbethelastyearthatyoubelieve #christmasfever #dustandangerandfear
Advent Calendar Day 23 - Fairytale Of New York (Pogues with Kirsty MacColl cover)
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #ChristmasSong #Christmas2022 #Christmas #FairytaleOfNewYork #FairytaleOfNewYorkCover #Pogues #PoguesCover #PoguesWithKirstyMacColl #KirstyMacColl
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #christmassong #Christmas2022 #christmas #fairytaleofnewyork #fairytaleofnewyorkcover #Pogues #poguescover #pogueswithkirstymaccoll #kirstymaccoll
Advent Calendar Day 22 - Lonely This Christmas (Mud cover)
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #ChristmasSong #Christmas2022 #Christmas #LonelyThisChristmas #LonelyThisChristmasCover #Mud #MudCover
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #christmassong #Christmas2022 #christmas #lonelythischristmas #lonelythischristmascover #mud #mudcover
Advent Calendar Day 22 - Lonely This Christmas (Mud cover)
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #ChristmasSong #Christmas2022 #Christmas #LonelyThisChristmas #LonelyThisChristmasCover #Mud #MudCover
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #christmassong #Christmas2022 #christmas #lonelythischristmas #lonelythischristmascover #mud #mudcover
Advent Calendar Day 21 - I Believe In Father Christmas (Greg Lake cover)
I believe the right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #ChristmasSong #Christmas2022 #Christmas #IBelieveInFatherChristmas #IBelieveInFatherChristmasCover #GregLake #GregLakeCover
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #christmassong #Christmas2022 #christmas #IBelieveInFatherChristmas #IBelieveInFatherChristmasCover #greglake #GregLakeCover
Advent Calendar Day 20 - How To Make Gravy (Paul Kelly cover)
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, speak in public, or rob banks.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #ChristmasSong #Christmas2022 #Christmas #HowToMakeGravy #HowToMakeGravyCover #PaulKelly #PaulKellyCovet
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #christmassong #Christmas2022 #christmas #HowToMakeGravy #HowToMakeGravyCover #paulkelly #PaulKellyCovet
Advent Calendar Day 19 - Must Be Santa
The right mask makes it easy to sing, perform, teach, or speak in public.
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #ChristmasSong #Christmas2022 #Christmas #MustBeSanta
#BringBackMasks #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #edutooter #Edutwitter #SafeEdForAll #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #christmassong #Christmas2022 #christmas #MustBeSanta