Data on *fatal* crashes in the U.S. is available via the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration #CrashAPI and my own {crashapi} #RStats package
The API only goes back to 2010 but the package include helpful functions for downloading the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data files that go back to 1975. #SafeStreets
#crashapi #rstats #SafeStreets
I spent a ton of time scouring the internet for local crash data back in 2021 and early 2022 and put together an inventory of 83 different sources for city and state crash data:
I found data for all but 5 states (AK, AL, DE, MS, and WV). I still think it could be the basis for a great paper for some grad student interested in public access to crash data.
I haven't had a chance to work on my various crash data analysis project lately but I did want to flag that the Maryland State Police have a new portal supporting crash data downloads going back to January 2018 #VisionZeroMD #Baltimore #SafeStreets
#visionzeromd #baltimore #SafeStreets
"I would rather get held up 10 times by kids playing football in the street than once by an SUV"
"If a street is safe enough for kids to play football in, then it's probably a pretty good street"
By: London cycle routes
#london #londoncycling #ltn #cycling #cycleroutes #bike #fahrrad #radweg #radwege #radroute #suv #safestreets
#london #londoncycling #LTN #cycling #CycleRoutes #bike #fahrrad #radweg #Radwege #Radroute #suv #SafeStreets
This quick reference on better ways to talk about safe streets from @SNGreenways had a big influence on my approach to #SafeStreets advocacy when I first encountered it
Does anyone have a similar resource re: talking about parking? 🛻🚗
Other interests that I hope to find communities around on here include #RStats #rspatial #ggplot2 #Quarto #PublicHealth #CommunityPlanning #SafeStreets
#rstats #rspatial #ggplot2 #quarto #publichealth #CommunityPlanning #SafeStreets
Andrew Gross - 87 Percent of Drivers Engage in Unsafe Behaviors While Behind the Wheel:
#AAA #DistractedDriving #DrowsyDriving #ImpairedDriving #DWI #DUI #HangUpAndDrive #PublicSafety #SafeStreets #CarExtremism #CarCulture #CarViolence #StopCars #TrafficSafety
#TrafficSafety #StopCars #CarViolence #CarCulture #CarExtremism #SafeStreets #publicsafety #HangUpAndDrive #dui #dwi #ImpairedDriving #DrowsyDriving #DistractedDriving #AAA