RT UN Women Viet Nam
Police officers are critical to⬆️protection and support for women victims of violence & human trafficking.
UN Women🤝Ministry of Public Security, w/ the support of the EU provided joint guidelines on services referral & gender-sensitive investigation. #SafeAndFair @EUDelegationVN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/unwomenvietnam/status/1685923630570704896
RT ILOAsiaPacific
ASEAN commits to #SafeAndFair migration for all.
Join us in this commitment! Stay tuned for more information on how safe migration benefits migrant workers and their communities.
@GlobalSpotlight @ASEAN @EUinASEAN https://t.co/Yz62QR7QKd
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ILOAsiaPacific/status/1671081184489791494
Today is International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the violence experienced by women and girls globally.
Join us #WithHer @GlobalSpotlight at http://euinasean.eu/cooperation-expo-2022
#EUinASEAN #SafeandFair @unwomenasia @ilo
#withher #EUinASEAN #SafeandFair
As a migrant worker, Dina Nuriyati was exploited and this motivated her to become a labour advocate. She is promoting better protection for migrant workers!
Find out how we can be #WithHer @GlobalSpotlight at http://euinasean.eu/cooperation-expo-2022
#EUinASEAN #SafeandFair @unwomenasia @ilo
#withher #EUinASEAN #SafeandFair
Through the #SafeandFair programme, the EU supports ASEAN in ensuring safe labour migration, and protecting the rights of vulnerable women migrant workers.
To learn more about how the EU and ASEAN do this, read it at https://euinasean.eu/bluebook2022
@GlobalSpotlight @unwomenasia