Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
120 followers · 1574 posts · Server

: Americans want to be and . We buy these because they’re — but only for the occupants of those giant cars. Essentially, we behave as though it is okay to and blame and for what happens to them.

#fossilfuel #bully #driving #dangerous #violent #Giant #cars #Safer #drive #aggressively #cyclists #pedestrians

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
77 followers · 671 posts · Server
Sue Cohen · @SueInRockville
547 followers · 1160 posts · Server

🚨 Quick action needed
Text SIGN PFFJHZ to 5040
Tell your Senators to co-sponsor the Act

#handsoffourhealthcare #Safer

Last updated 2 years ago

What words did I need to say, that I swallowed to keep fake peace for my survival? When did I clam up, to protect myself or someone else? What truths did I pretend did not exist, because I was taught to keep my mouth shut about violence, and I hadn’t healed that yet?

Oh, a lot. A fudgeton of words and non-word sounds have been stifled in my throat, over the decades of my life. So of course I have issues with my throat chakra. Even though I talk way more now, including voice messages with friends, my throat chakra can feel full of the unsaid, unyelled, unsung.

You know, that’s a long term thing. When I was younger, there were years I didn’t really talk. I used to hide my light. Sorry about that. Don’t worry–it shines now, often in the form of words. I like to make vocal stims also.

What do you do for your throat chakra? I like to tell the truth.

Something tried recently was going out into nature to yell. I’ve howled before. But this yelling was forceful.

It was while we were on the coast over the weekend. There was a place with elk. We went when there were no elk to be seen.

The whole thing was surprising. It was hard to let myself yell, at first. I considered screaming, but that feels so sharp. I made some smaller sounds at first.

Then once I got going, the yells came from me with an intensity force of their own. So much my ears were a little concerned, as I yelled with my whole body, in the small space of Ming’s car. I was afraid I was damaging my own hearing.

It felt kind of like puking out sound. Yeah, that seems accurate. I could sense I was moving a lot of pain around in my body. It gets stuck in me so easily.

Felt like good work. I was hurting my throat. “Will I be able to talk later?” I wondered. Later, I was fine.

Also it generated a lot of heat. I got quite warm even though it was cold outside. How do you feel safe, in the world?


#healing #sound #stimming #truth #Safer #safe

Last updated 2 years ago

People feel uncomfortable when it’s obvious that their capacity to feel, notice, care, and respond is much lower than mine. Rather than consider that valid and something to learn from, most will frame it as I’m bad, so they can see themselves as good. It’s too uncomfortable to consider they might need to do something different for respect and a better culture.

I’ve taken criticism as truth. I’ve thought and said, “Yes, I am too much. I don’t know how to be appropriate. I overwhelm people–I need to turn myself way down.”

“I’m so sorry I bothered you,” is a sentence I’ve said a lot. I was trying to appease people who are upset I feel all the emotions they try to kill. I consider feeling my feelings a big part of my life’s work–to experience them moving around in my body, accept them, and learn from them. My body is here to feel. I’m not going to apologize anymore.

What if I don’t need to turn myself down–other people need to turn themselves up? My way is not inferior. I’m welcome at the table, and I’ll welcome myself, if no one else does.

What if we lived in a culture where feeling was recognized as a skill, not a liability or embarrassment? A lot of men over the decades have told me I’m too sensitive. They frame how I function emotionally as too much because accepting my emotions would require them to face what they choose to avoid.

I’m not going to see myself as wrong anymore. What if I’m not too much–you’re not enough? A culture full of people who want feelings shut off is not a safe place for me. They shut off their own feelings with substances, entertainment, psych meds, and denial. They try to shut off the feelings of people like me by othering us, diagnosing us, and force medicating us.

I’m not a dangerous person who anyone needs to be protected from. Sedating me is not helpful to the world. Locking away visionaries is such a waste of visionaries.


#respect #love #culture #power #feelings #difference #visionary #Safer #valid

Last updated 2 years ago

Hey! Good Afternoon!

Take care of yourself today and have a nice warm drink while catching up on the in the world of , , and vehicles with

This week, everything from to , and even a !

Please , , and ! Much love from @Aminorjourney, @pyoor @erin_etc, @BeanieCam and the rest of the team! x

#news #Cleaner #Greener #Safer #Smarter #transportevolved #ElectricCars #ElectricSemi #ElectricBikes #giant #electric #Mining #Truck #watch #share #support

Last updated 2 years ago

@pyoor @jeffjarvis so, I forgot to reply in this thread, but YES! We did it. is a server JUST for staff to post about , , ,
transportation and energy!

#transportevolved #cleaner #greener #Safer #smarter

Last updated 2 years ago

A shout-out to the with a question regarding !

Which should we consider as content creators who are looking to diversify our content sharing? We have approximately 150,000 on YouTube, and we'd like to broaden our horizons as it were... We make videos about , , and .

(As you can see, we set up our own Mastodon!)


The team x

#Fediverse #peertube #federated #servers #Cleaner #Greener #Safer #Smarter #transportation #transportevolved

Last updated 2 years ago

JeromeDqn · @JeromeDqn
4 followers · 1 posts · Server

Time for a short
I am Jerome, senior postdoc, applied fellow working at the of , . I use to make near , , and more . I have worked extensively on the problem, and on the modelling of this on secular timescales. - and phenomena are things I like in and 🛰️🦋💚🪐

#CelestialMechanics #astrodynamics #mathematics #NonLinear #resonances #chaos #environment #spacedebris #sustainable #Safer #cleaner #space #earth #theory #system #dynamical #belgium #namur #university #FNRS #mathematician #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

JeromeDqn · @JeromeDqn
4 followers · 1 posts · Server

Time for a short
I am Jerome, senior postdoc and applied , fellow working at the of , . I use to make near , , and more . I have worked extensively on the problem, and on the modelling of this on secular timescales. - and phenomena are things I like in , and . 

#CelestialMechanics #astrodynamics #mathematics #NonLinear #resonances #chaos #environment #spacedebris #sustainable #Safer #cleaner #space #earth #theory #system #dynamical #belgium #namur #university #FNRS #mathematician #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

JeromeDqn · @JeromeDqn
3 followers · 1 posts · Server

Time for a short
I am Jerome, senior postdoc, fellow working at the of , . I use to make near , , and more . I have worked extensively on the problem, and on the modelling of this on secular timescales. - and phenomena are things I like in and . 🦋💚

#CelestialMechanics #astrodynamics #NonLinear #resonances #chaos #environment #spacedebris #sustainable #Safer #cleaner #space #earth #theory #system #dynamical #belgium #namur #university #FNRS #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
85 followers · 13710 posts · Server


Why is it ??

Bc you truly have freedom of speech on this platform.

All others are and why you are being censored or blocked-- especially after years of your hard work.

WE are Decentralized!

Not to mention everyone here can diffuse by free speech rather than picking up a weapon and doing something foolish.

Better to here RATHER than on your Wife, Kids or Friends:)


Disclaimer: and/or Davidv.TV

#rocks #vent #centralized #Safer

Last updated 2 years ago

knrrf · @knrrf
2 followers · 39 posts · Server

Tiens tiens... ça pourrait commencer à chauffer pour la aussi...

Y a-t-il un journaliste dans la salle ? Par exemple comme celui qui a publié sur l'état des lieux des EPAD ??

"Dans la commune de Querrien, dans le sud du , un collectif s’est constitué pour cultiver et pâturer 53 hectares mis à la vente. La , qui régule l’attribution des terres agricoles, a préféré l’agrandissement d’une exploitation. À rebours des objectifs fixés par la Région."

#finistere #Safer

Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
16 followers · 87685 posts · Server
DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13748 posts · Server

TY !. I guess we all feel NOW?



AN !


Disclaimer: and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. this is NOT an Endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promo

#today #pillaging #raping #stop #WE_THE_PEOPLE #Evil_Empire #oil #america #united_states #HUMAN_BODIES #DISMEMBERS #BEHEADS #Safer #trump

Last updated 2 years ago

Hanf Journal · @hanf
121 followers · 458 posts · Server

Zahl der Drogentoten steigt schon wieder - Die Zahl der Drogentoten steigt schon wieder. In Deutschland sind letztes Jahr mehr Menschen an illegalen Drogen gestorben als 2020. Von 1.581 Drogentote in 2020 auf 1.826 in 2021; dies ist ein Anstieg von 15,5%. Das Büro des Drogenbeauftragten Burkhard Blienert veröffentlichte am 16.05.22 die ne... - -Use

#drogenpolitik #legalisierung #nachrichten #allgemein #Safer #politik

Last updated 3 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13753 posts · Server

| chief to testify before for the .

“After reports about Instagram’s impacts, we want to hear straight from the company’s leadership why it uses powerful that push to driving them down to , and what it will do to make its platform .

Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates...

#Safer #dark_places #rabbit_holes #children #poisonous_content #algorithms #toxic #bombshell #first_time #congress #Adam_Mosseri #instagram #big_tech

Last updated 3 years ago

Parleur · @parleur
486 followers · 23676 posts · Server

Qui c'est qui entend bien jouer de son , de son et de ses cinq ans comme agriculteur exploitant pour acheter du terrain pas cher en passant par la ?
C'est bibi !

#BPREA #stage40h #Safer

Last updated 5 years ago