RT @kenmcld "a review of 12 major roadways across the U.S. showed increasing speeds has little effect on saving time or increasing traffic flow.
Instead, @aaanews said raising speed limits could lead to more crashes, injuries, and deaths"
#SafetyOverSpeed #SlowRoadsSaveLives
RT @wsbtv The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says increasing speeds has little effect on saving time or increasing traffic flow.
#SafetyOverSpeed #slowroadssavelives
Last night, #AB645 passed 58-7 out of the California Assembly! That means we’re one huge step closer in the push to #PassAB645!
Learn what's next for this lifesaving speed safety bill on our latest blog at walksf.org/pass-AB645
#ab645 #passab645 #SafetyOverSpeed #SlowOurStreets #visionzero #visionzerosf
📣 The critical window for us to push for AB 645 to get out of the Appropriations Committee is THIS WEEK.
Let’s send 500+ emails in the next 48 hours to Assemblymembers Rendon & Holden with one message: #PassAB645 out of the Appropriations Committee!
Take 1 minute to send an email at walksf.org/ab645.
#passab645 #SlowOurStreets #SafetyOverSpeed #visionzero
"It’s bizarre. We are a society obsessed with the safety of our children, sometimes to a ridiculous extent. Yet when it comes to the school run, the automobile remains sacred." -Taras Grescoe https://straphanger.substack.com/p/the-case-for-car-free-school-streets #SafeRoutesNow #SchoolStreets #PeopleStreets #RoadSafety #SafetyOverSpeed #TarasGrescoe #CarCulture
#saferoutesnow #schoolstreets #peoplestreets #roadsafety #SafetyOverSpeed #tarasgrescoe #carculture
Next week, we’re taking a busful of people with Families for Safe Streets to Sacramento to ask legislators to pass AB 645 to allow speed cameras in 5 CA cities including SF.
Can you support our work to #SlowOurStreets?
Donate now at http://walksf.org/donate
#SlowOurStreets #passab645 #SafetyOverSpeed
RT @Safe_Roads
Great job closing @LifesaversConf @mayormcginn w @americawalks. As @MillarRoger w @wsdot said, we need to start sacrificing some of the convenience of driving, to make more room for safety. We need to prioritize #SafetyOverSpeed, safety of all road users.
Links I shared in today's #BikeSummit23 talk with other #BikeFriendly state DOTs.
WA State Active Transpo Plan https://wsdot.wa.gov/construction-planning/statewide-plans/active-transportation-plan
Active Transportation Safety Council https://wtsc.wa.gov/programs-priorities/active-transportation-safety-council/
#SafetyOverSpeed policy framework https://t.co/qMfjEeEmm9
Route Directness Index: https://t.co/AwgsWooQcy
Rumble strip info https://www.adventurecycling.org/advocacy/safety-advocacy/rumble-strips/
WSDOT Complete Streets https://wsdot.wa.gov/construction-planning/complete-streets
#WSDOTActive #BikeTooter #infrastructure #RoadSafety #WSDOT #CompleteStreets
#bikesummit23 #bikefriendly #wsdotactive #BikeTooter #infrastructure #roadsafety #wsdot #completestreets #SafetyOverSpeed
I'm at the #Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting this week. I've long had the habit of tweeting conference notes in a thread. I'm still doing that so if you're interested in my #TRBAM takeaways on the birdsite start at https://twitter.com/BarbChamberlain/status/1604911122234343424?t=BEZ-v2Onkc1AgltcVduGAg&s=19. #RoadSafety #SafetyOverSpeed #infrastructure #BikeTooter #SafeSystemApproach #MoveEquity #MobilityJustice #equity #accessibility #TRBAM2023 #PedestrianSafety #pedestrians
#transportation #TRBAM #roadsafety #SafetyOverSpeed #infrastructure #BikeTooter #safesystemapproach #moveequity #mobilityjustice #equity #accessibility #trbam2023 #pedestriansafety #pedestrians
RT @BarbChamberlain
Patricia Tice: The missing link in urban design is human presence. Human bodies/minds were made for streets, not for driving. We can negotiate encounters at human speed without running into each other. #TRBAM #RoadSafety #SafetyOverSpeed #HumanFactors
#TRBAM #roadsafety #SafetyOverSpeed #humanfactors
@JasonThorne That is sadly and wonderfully pointed wording. Need more signage like this! #BikeTooter #RoadSafety #WordsMatter #SafetyOverSpeed
#BikeTooter #roadsafety #wordsmatter #SafetyOverSpeed