Today, we met with human rights defenders in the framework of the #Sakharov Fellowship.
We benefit from a mutual valuable exchange and expertise and increase our networks. We have to keep supporting these courageous people who defend democracy and human rights around the world.
Thankfully, Vladimir #KaraMurza's courage, comparable to Andrei #Sakharov's & Boris #Nemtsov's, is important for Russia and the free world. I know him personally and admire his dignity. I am glad to meet his wife today in @europarl_en.
#FreeKaraMurza #FreeGorinov #FreeSaakashvili
#KaraMurza #Sakharov #Nemtsov #FreeKaraMurza #FreeGorinov #FreeSaakashvili
🎙️”Oggi ci sentiamo europei e dobbiamo essere ucraini”.
@MassimoGaudina a “Il Premio #Sakharov al coraggioso popolo ucraino”, organizzato da @PE_Italia insieme a @europainitalia, consolato 🇺🇦 a Milano e @Linkiesta.
🔴 Live:
#StandWithUkraine  🇪🇺
The Kremlin may consider the Sakharov Centre a ‘foreign agent’, but it is Andrey Sakharov, Jelena Bonner and many other brave men and women who are the true Russian patriots.
A very sad day, but the fight for Russia free of oppression continues
RT @GillesBP: Today 100 years ago Jelena #Bonner was born. Widely known as wife, later widow of Andrey #Sakharov, she herself laid the foundation of many #humanrights movements in #Russia. This new exhibition about her is …
#Bonner #Sakharov #humanrights #russia
I’m gladdened by the news that the #Sakharov Price Winner and Iranian Filmmaker #JafarPanahi is finally released. But, the work cannot stop here. The @EPPGroup calls on all political prisoners to be released, including Swedish-Iranian Ahmedreza #Djalali
#Sakharov #JafarPanahi #Djalali
RT @davidlega: I’m gladdened by the news that the #Sakharov Price Winner and Iranian Filmmaker #JafarPanahi is finally released. But, the work cannot stop here. The @EPPGroup calls on all political prisoners to be released, including Swedish-Iranian Ahmedreza #Djalali
#Sakharov #JafarPanahi #Djalali
I’m gladdened by the news that the #Sakharov Price Winner and Iranian Filmmaker #JafarPanahi is finally released. But, the work cannot stop here. The @EPPGroup calls on the Iranian regime typ release all political prisoners, including Swedish-Iranian Ahmedreza #Djalali❗️
#Sakharov #JafarPanahi #Djalali
RT @gchumanrights
Venice School for #HumanRightsDefenders
📆 Course dates: 10 – 17 June
📍 GC Headquarters, Venice-Lido (Italy)
⏰ Apply by 14 May at
Organised by the #GCHumanRights in cooperation with the European Parliament, it hosts the 2023 selected #Sakharov Fellows
#Sakharov #gchumanrights #humanrightsdefenders
Rencontre très émouvante ce matin avec Lamia Haji Bachar, lauréate du Prix #Sakharov 2016 pour sa lutte contre l’État islamique et pour les droits humains Yezidis.
Très admirative de la force avec laquelle elle mène ce combat remarquable, malgré son parcours de souffrance.
Nine years ago, Ilham Tohti was arrested in China and sentenced to a life in prison after a two day trial. He is the European Parliament's 2019 #Sakharov laureate. Here, 20 MEPs from different political groups jointly demonstrate for Ilham Tohti's freedom. #IlhamTohti
Le Parlement 🇪🇺 decerne ce matin le Prix #Sakharov au « Courageux peuple ukrainien ». Volodymyr Zelensky intervient à distance
Nous réaffirmons une nouvelle fois notre soutien à l’Ukraine face à l’invasion et aux exactions de la Russie
🇪🇺 🇺🇦 O Parlamento Europeu atribuiu esta semana o Prémio #Sakharov para a Liberdade de Pensamento 2022 ao corajoso povo ucraniano. Se não acompanhou a cerimónia, saiba mais⬇️
RT @GroupeID_FR: 📹 Une session plénière bien chargée, entre #QatarGate et la candidature malheureuse de Julian Assange au prix #Sakharov.
— @v_joron
Parlamentets #Sakharov-pris 2022 blev overrakt til Ukraines modige befolkning ved en ceremoni den 14. december 👉 #eudk
Mentre riceve dal #ParlamentoEuropeo il premio #Sakharov, il popolo #ucraino chiede altri #missili, altre #armi. Io sono stato e sarò sempre contrario all’invio di armi.
L’#Ue deve sedersi al tavolo del negoziato come terzo e, insieme alla #Cina, fermare questa #guerra assurda.
#ParlamentoEuropeo #Sakharov #ucraino #MISSILI #armi #UE #cina #guerra
È stata ancora di nuovo una grande emozione ascoltare in aula a Strasburgo il Presidente #Zelensky per l'assegnazione del premio #Sakharov al popolo Ucraino, al loro coraggio. Siamo al loro fianco, sempre e senza esitazioni. 🇪🇺🇺🇦
#Zelensky #Sakharov #SlavaUkrainii
🇺🇦 The Ukrainian people, their President @ZelenskyyUa, elected leaders and civil society in #Ukraine, truly deserve the #SakharovPrize for their brave fight for European values and against Russian oppression. #Sakharov
🔴 Stream the prize-giving now!
#Ukraine #SakharovPrize #Sakharov
Aujourd’hui l’@Europarl_FR rend hommage au courageux peuple #ukrainien en lui décernant le Prix #Sakharov 2022 pour la #liberté de pensée, qui promeut le respect du droit international, la liberté d'#expression, la #démocratie et l'État de droit
À suivre ici 👇
RT @PEStrasbourg: La cérémonie de remise du Prix Sakharov 🏆 pour la liberté de l’esprit, décerné au courageux peuple d’Ukraine 🇺🇦, a lieu demain à 12 heures au Parlement européen 🇪🇺 à #Strasbourg.
Vous a…
#ukrainien #Sakharov #liberté #expression #démocratie #Strasbourg
A partir de las 12h celebramos en el pleno del @europarl_es en Estrasburgo la entrega del premio #Sakharov 2022 al pueblo ucraniano 🇺🇦 por su ejemplo de lucha y defensa de los valores europeos.
🔗 Podéis seguir la ceremonia en directo aquí:
“Sporočilo Evrope je jasno: smo z Ukrajino. Ne bomo pogledali stran,” je med slovesno podelitvijo nagrade Saharova za svobodo misli dejala predsednica Evropskega parlamenta Roberta Metsola.
@EP_President #Sakharov #Saharov #PodpiramoUkrajino 🇪🇺🤝🏻🇺🇦
#Sakharov #Saharov #PodpiramoUkrajino