@Radical_EgoCom getting paid as a compensation for your time working for somebody else instead of every body getting paid because they have to fulfill their needs. In other words getting paid after working is wage slavery while getting a salary for life frees your time to accomplish important stuff. #SalaryForLife #bernardfriot #salaireavie (a revolutionary version of #UBI where everyone gets a full salary so that they become free to do the productive work they want and need)
#SalaryForLife #bernardfriot #salaireavie #ubi
> #UniversalBasicIncome or #SalaryForLife?
> because it can be combined with a “second paycheck”, the UBI confirms the existence of the #LaborMarket instead of #PersonalQualification and the mastery by employees of their work tools
> by basing its financing mainly on #tax, the UBI ignores the #SocialContribution and assumes the #LucrativeProperty
> the UBI claims to encourage an "#ecological" production, but doesn't address the control of the #investment
#investment #ecological #LucrativeProperty #SocialContribution #tax #PersonalQualification #labormarket #SalaryForLife #universalbasicincome