Jesus came to earth in the flesh to heal, to teach and to save, but from the beginning, His plan was always the cross. Why? The cross reveals the way back to the glory - the glory Adam lost when He fell - the glory which existed before the world.
Yeshua (Jesus) means salvation. If we want salvation, we must be willing to go through the same death process; just as He asked the disciples if they were willing to drink from the same cup and be baptized in the same baptism as Him (ref Matt 20:22).
It isn’t a literal death, but a death to our old mindsets in order to take on the mind of Christ.
How beautiful it is that our Lord and Savior never deviated from the path of the cross so that we could come back into the glory with Him and the Father! Are you willing to pick up your cross and follow?
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#TheVoiceOfHealing #Salvation #Follow #Father
#thevoiceofhealing #Salvation #follow #father
Video: Pastor #RobertBreaker - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - #Wresting vs #Resting - Pastor Robert talks about how people "wrest" the #Scriptures to their own destruction by perverting the #Gospel, and how #salvation is simply RESTING in the #Jesus' blood atonement.
#RobertBreaker #Sermon #Scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #Wresting #Resting #Gospel #Salvation #jesus
Here is the Corder version of my new video where I present the Gospel message of salvation in great detail using scripture. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#Gospel #Salvation #jesus #bible #Christianity
Here is the Rumble version of my new video where I present the Gospel message of salvation in great detail using scripture. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#gospel #salvation #jesus #bible #christianity
#Gospel #Salvation #jesus #bible #Christianity
Here is the BitChute version of my new video where I present the Gospel message of salvation in great detail using scripture. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#Gospel #Salvation #jesus #bible #Christianity
Here is the YouTube version of my new video where I present the Gospel message of salvation in great detail using scripture. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#Gospel #Salvation #jesus #bible #Christianity
Video: Pastor Robert Breaker - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - #JesusChrist is the Author of Eternal #Salvation!
#Sermon #Scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #JesusChrist #Salvation
Luk 14:33 So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.
The word “forsake” using the Strong’s dictionary means to depart or dismiss yourself from a place or people, to take leave, send away or renounce.
Why would the LORD require us to give up everything we have in order to be a disciplined learner under Him?
Throughout scripture we can see God always takes people out of their familiar surroundings such as their hometowns or families.
Salvation is not for free, it is a requirement to give up everything to God because He gave up His life for us to even have access to salvation. The blessing that comes with surrendering all to God is always 100x more than what we expected God to give us.
Visit for more biblical foundations.
#Give #Surrender #Relationship #Understand #Truth #Sacrifice #Salvation #Bible #Discipline #Teach
#give #surrender #relationship #Understand #truth #sacrifice #Salvation #bible #discipline #teach
Video: Pastor Robert Breaker #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible – Giving Your Testimony of #Salvation
#Salvation #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #Sermon
Video: Pastor Robert Breaker #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible – Opening a Can of Worms When it Comes to #Salvation
#Salvation #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #Sermon
#adam, #bibleseries, #bible-study, #cain, #christianbibledevotional, #christianlivingpodcast, #christianpodcasts, #firstfruits, #god, #godisholy, #heaven, #jesus, #jesuschrist #morningdevotional, #religion, #salvation, #sermons, #sin, #tythe
The #EricThompson Show – #Christian Talk - Morning Devotional 1/17/23 - First Fruits, Give God Your Best– On now at my Internet Radio Station, #RadioAmericaUSA –
#RadioAmericaUSA #christian #ericthompson #tythe #sin #Sermons #Salvation #religion #morningdevotional #JesusChrist #jesus #heaven #GODisholy #god #firstfruits #christianpodcasts #christianlivingpodcast #christianbibledevotional #Cain #bible #bibleseries #Adam
On his trip to El-Paso, #Texas, the “president” is introduced to a uniformed member of the #Salvation-Army, and identified as such by #Biden’s handler. While shaking his hand, Biden starts telling him about how he spent time with the “Secret Service” in #Poland and #Ukraine. As if he doesn’t spend every minute of every day surrounded by #Secret-Service agents.
#secret #ukraine #poland #Biden #Salvation #texas
The Spirit of Revelation
Rev 1:1 [THIS IS] the revelation of Jesus Christ [His unveiling of the divine mysteries]. God gave it to Him to disclose and make known to His bond servants certain things which must shortly and speedily come to pass [1] in their entirety. AMP
Revelation derives from the Greek word apokalupsis (G602) but its root origin is apokalupto (G601) from the strong’s dictionary. Apokalupsis means that something is being revealed, manifested, lightened, and appearing. The root word apokalupto has two parts to it. Apo means, “to take off” and kalupto means “to cover up or veil”, so when these two words are together they mean to take off the veil.
For more insight on these deeper concepts, visit
#Healing #Deliverance #Salvation #Yeshua #Deep #Mystery #Relationship #Know #Knowledge #Pure #Innocent #Heart #Light #Teach #Humble #Understand
#Understand #Humble #teach #light #heart #innocent #pure #knowledge #Know #relationship #Mystery #deep #Yeshua #Salvation #deliverance #healing
Video - Les Feldick - #LesFeldick #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - #Salvation
#Salvation #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #LesFeldick
Worship and Praise
Worship encompasses many things but to be put simply it is the act of laying down your life to Christ as a living sacrifice.
A form of sacrifice to the Lord is praising and dancing before Him with a spirit of joy, faithfulness, and love. The children of Israel were able to praise the Lord when they were in the midst of a battle between several different enemies. Why? They knew that only the Lord could save them from their enemies. Salvation is in the character and function of the name Yeshua, it also means to deliver.
We want to connect with you so visit us at
#Yeshua #Father #Truth #Salvation #Save #Deliver #Fast #Pray #Teach #King #Priest #Freedom #Liberty #Sing #Dance #Heart #worship #music
#music #Worship #heart #dance #sing #liberty #freedom #priest #king #teach #pray #Fast #Deliver #save #Salvation #truth #father #Yeshua
Rigorous Training
Paul said he ran the race with certainty, knowing his aim, and buffeted his body (disciplined it by hardships) for fear that he may be unfit for the race. He did all these things, not for a crown that withers, but for the eternal crown of blessedness. If athletes will discipline themselves for temporary glory, and the Apostle Paul said he went through rigorous training for salvation, shouldn’t the body of Christ be striving even more to do the same?
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him (Ja 1:12).
If you feel stuck in the race we want to help! Connect with us at
#Run #Race #Salvation #Crown #Glory #Blessing #Discipline #Yeshua #Treasure #Prize #Overcome #Training #Order #Apostle #Paul #Athlete #Compete
#Compete #athlete #paul #Apostle #order #training #overcome #Prize #treasure #Yeshua #discipline #blessing #glory #Crown #Salvation #race #run
#Philippians 2:12b #kjv #bible #kingjamesbible
work out your own #salvation with fear and trembling.
#Salvation #kingjamesbible #bible #kjv #Philippians
Like Father like Son
Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
The word Yeshua means “salvation” and in the definition of salvation is deliverance. What exactly are we being delivered from?
A false understanding of God and that is what sin truly means. To be evil and wicked in God’s eyes is to not know or understand His word causing you to do those characteristics of sin (lying, stealing, gossip) etc.
God’s people were not seeing and understanding His law so, He needed to bring redemption which comes through Jesus ONLY when you can go through the same process Jesus has laid out.
Are you willing to follow the pattern and go through the process to become like Jesus?
Visit to learn more about our ministry.
#Love #Change #Transform #Savior #Salvation #Perfect #God #Son #Believe #Truth #Freedom #Witness
#witness #freedom #truth #believe #Son #god #perfect #Salvation #Savior #Transform #change #love
A Living Sacrifice
We as believers are the living sacrifice of God; the sacrifice is our lives. The word of God teaches us how we can offer ourselves up everyday as living sacrifices, and walk in obedience to His divine will for our lives.
For more about how to be a living sacrifice visit and take a look at our resources tab for more information. ⭐
#law #Christianity #jesus #Yeshua #Salvation #Cross #sacrifice #truth #living #voh
Scripture says we must not only hear of the word but be doers of the word (Jas 1:22). It is not the works of the flesh or dead works (Heb 6:1) that save us, but the works God wants from us is the transformation of our lives.
When we abide in Jesus, who is the vine and we are the branches (Jn 15:55), that word we act on, transforms our soul, and brings forth the fruit of the Spirit (Luke 8:11-15, Gal 5:22-23).
#Salvation #ImplantedWord #WorksofGod #DeadWorks #thevoiceofhealing