At a Salvation Army site in Kettering, heavily worn polyester clothing is being recycled into pellets which can then be turned back into textile. The factory will eventually process 5000 tonnes annually.
#GoodNews #Recycling #Clothing #Textile #Polyester #SalvationArmy #Kettering #Reuse
#goodnews #recycling #clothing #textile #polyester #SalvationArmy #kettering #reuse
new york city
march 1970
the bowery
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
#photography #film #bw #blackandwhite #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #bowery #city #people #man #streetphotography #candid #sidewalk #salvationarmy #communitycenter #1970s
#photography #film #bw #blackandwhite #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #bowery #city #people #man #streetphotography #candid #sidewalk #SalvationArmy #communitycenter #1970s
Just a reminder that #NationalDonutDay / #NationalDoughnutDay is actually a #SalvationArmy event which, I content, is NOT a good organisation for #LGBT+ people.
#nationaldonutday #NationalDoughnutDay #SalvationArmy #lgbt
The wonderfully Art Deco nameplate and stained glass windows above the entrance to the 1907 Parkhead Salvation Army building on Tollcross Road in Glasgow.
Much as I love the font used, I just can't get rid of the nagging suspicion that someone forgot the V in Salvation and had to find a way to squeeze it in later.
#glasgow #parkhead #salvationarmy #stonework #stainedglass #designdetail #fonts #artdeco #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #artdeco #fonts #designdetail #stainedglass #stonework #SalvationArmy #parkhead #glasgow
It will take YOU #WeThePeople, NOT the politicians to SAVE this once great nation!
William Booth; Founder of #SalvationArmy Said this! If you want to change the future, then you are going to have to trouble the present. 90% of America too cowardly to do it!
It is time America to get off your lazy Gluteus Maximus, stop sitting on the sidelines and get involved in saving your nation, you are 1 click away from total loss! The Videos Below describe exactly under #Law & the U.S. #Constitution on how you can on a local level get involved, watch the videos, study, take notes, get involved, THIS IS THE LAST, FINAL CALL! IT IS NOW, LIKE NOW 4/2/2023 OR NEVER!
#constitution #law #SalvationArmy #wethepeople
Protests against the #SalvationArmy took place in many towns at the time.
#Exeter #Devon is another to add to the list.
The rioters were sent out by pub landlords who feared the loss of income. Often the rioters had had a bit too much to drink before rioting, which added fuel to the fire.
Bay Area Rapid Transit oversaw $350,000 Salvation Army program that treated one person
#bart #SalvationArmy #grift #fraud
Global News BC: In-person Christmas feast returns for Vancouver’s most needy after pandemic halt #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SalvationArmyChristmasmeal #FreeholidaymealVancouver #VancouverChristmasdinner #salvationarmychristmas #SalvationArmy #COVID-19 #Canada #News
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #SalvationArmyChristmasmeal #FreeholidaymealVancouver #VancouverChristmasdinner #salvationarmychristmas #SalvationArmy #covid #Canada
The Tyee: Why I Stopped Giving to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank (in Culture) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #JodieOu,GreaterVancouverFoodBank #FoodBanksCanadaHungerCount #CBCB.C.AnnualFoodBankDay #GreaterVancouverFoodBank #FoodBanksCanada #SalvationArmy #St.John’s,NL
#BCNews #TheTyee #JodieOu #FoodBanksCanadaHungerCount #CBCB #GreaterVancouverFoodBank #FoodBanksCanada #SalvationArmy #st
The Tyee: Why I Stopped Giving to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank (in Culture) #gaming #tech #JodieOu,GreaterVancouverFoodBank #FoodBanksCanadaHungerCount #CBCB.C.AnnualFoodBankDay #GreaterVancouverFoodBank #FoodBanksCanada #SalvationArmy #St.John’s,NL
#Gaming #Tech #JodieOu #FoodBanksCanadaHungerCount #CBCB #GreaterVancouverFoodBank #FoodBanksCanada #SalvationArmy #st
Despite the cold & rain, the #SalvationArmy band played Christmas carols outside the #UkrainianCathedral in London.
Hearing #Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells) was truly special.
Thank you!
#SalvationArmy #ukrainiancathedral #shchedryk #StandWithUkraine
Despite the cold & rain, the #SalvationArmy band played Christmas carols outside the #UkrainianCathedral in London.
Hearing #Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells) was truly special.
Thank you!
#SalvationArmy #ukrainiancathedral #shchedryk #StandWithUkraine
Please don’t give money to #SalvationArmy bell ringers. You’re not donating to a charity, you’re tithing to a conservative Christian denomination.
Some days you just really want to hit the #salvationArmy bigot and his stupid fucking bell with your shopping cart.
@0xc0ffea Sauce?
The #SalvationArmy organized a fund raiser here in Norway recently, and even got the schools to send kids to find sponsors for the campaign. I am #atheist. I refused to support them.
I would love to have more ammo to throw back at Christians that insist on pushing their agenda on me and my family. I have done some searching on my own, but if you have any links or information to share, I would be most appreciative. 😊
Seasonal Reminder !
The #SalvationArmy is not a #charity.
They are an #evangelical #protestant #oppressive #church that uses donations to lobby politically and change laws to force us to follow their religious beliefs (which includes anti #LGBTQ and #AbortionRights to name a few)
Give them NOTHING!
If you think changing laws to force others to follow your religion is acceptable, get off my account now!
#SalvationArmy #charity #evangelical #protestant #oppressive #church #lgbtq #abortionrights
Interesting opinion piece found on Facebook about the Salvation Army and the misinformation surrounding accusations of homophobia... admittedly, as a church we have a little way to go. But the social services side of the Salvation Army l, which operates pretty much independently is committed to providing help without discrimination... obviously there are individuals that use The Army to propagate their own intolerances and bigotry
Global News BC: Salvation Army bells to ring outside BC Liquor Stores once again #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCLiquorDistirbutionBranch #KettleBellCampaign #publicliquorstore #BCLiquorStores #KettleCampaign #SalvationArmy #SallyAnne #Politics #Kettle
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BCLiquorDistirbutionBranch #KettleBellCampaign #publicliquorstore #BCLiquorStores #KettleCampaign #SalvationArmy #SallyAnne #politics #Kettle
Seasonal Reminder !
The #SalvationArmy is not a #charity. They are an evangelical protestant church that uses donations to oppose #LGBTQ rights.
Give them NOTHING.
#SalvationArmy #charity #lgbtq
Especially don't donate to the Salvation Army in this area because they are in a private public partnership with the fascists on the city council here to build "pallet shelter" shed prison concentration camps to force houseless residents into.
#SalvationArmy #concentrationcamp #shedprison
#SalvationArmy #concentrationcamp #shedprison #homelessness #neoliberalism #PublicPrivatePartnership