#International_Tech_News | #BIG_GOV | #BIG_FAITH
#Clarence_Thomas: Court Should #Reconsider #Gay_Marriage, Birth Control Decisions After Overturning Roe
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas suggested the court should reconsider rights like birth control and #same_sex_marriage in future decisions, after the court overturned Roe v. Wade and the federal right to an #abortion Friday, #upending decades of #PRECEDENT!
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#precedent #upending #abortion #Same_Sex_Marriage #GAY_MARRIAGE #reconsider #clarence_thomas #Big_Faith #BIG_GOV #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#International_Tech_News | #BIG_GOV | #BIG_FAITH
#Clarence_Thomas suggests court should #reconsider #same_sex #marriage, contraceptives
In his concurring opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas said the court should review other #precedents #including its 2015 decision #legalizing #same_sex_marriage.
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#Same_Sex_Marriage #Legalizing #including #precedents #marriage #same_sex #reconsider #clarence_thomas #Big_Faith #BIG_GOV #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#Same_Sex_Marriage?? From 02.2 percent to 100% PERCENT.. ~#OUT_OF_CONTROL!????~
#out_of_control #Same_Sex_Marriage