Ansgar Nordstrom 💠 · @Ansgar_Nordstrom
58 followers · 1099 posts · Server

Acabo de ver un mapa de la distribución de las escuelas del magia en el mundo de , y me impactó que se parezca tanto a la distribución que hace del mundo en «civilizaciones».
Yo sabía que presenta tendencias derechistas, pero no me imaginé que fuera promotora de la teoría del 🙈.

#choquedecivilizaciones #ClashOfCivilizations #jkrowling #SamuelPHuntington #harrypotter

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

'..1980s, he became a valued adviser to the South African regime, which used his ideas on political order to craft its "total strategy" to reform apartheid and suppress growing resistance. He assured 's rulers that increasing the repressive power of the state..can be necessary to effect reform.. requires " , , faulty assumptions and purposeful blindness."..'
for by

#SergeLang #ThreeLawsOfSocioDynamics #sychophant #SamuelPHuntington #deceit #duplicity #southafrica

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

dismissed 's ' use of mathematical equations to relate factors like economic development and political instability as "pseudoscience" and "nonsense" -- "a type of language which gives the illusion of science without any of its substance.".. He 'challenged Huntington's description of apartheid in in the 1960s as a "satisfied society." '

#southafrica #SamuelPHuntington #SergeLang

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

@strypey Your posts are reminding me of ridiculing by . is the most populous Muslim country, not Iraq or Somalia... My high-school Geometry text was a good, plain book by . It was fascinating to search the math teacher and see that he rejected Huntington for using , a , to show as a "satisfied society"...

#ApartheidSouthAfrica #PsueodScience #MathAsPropaganda #SergeLang #indonesia #SamuelPHuntington #clashofcivilizations #noamchomsky

Last updated 2 years ago