Acabo de ver un mapa de la distribución de las escuelas del magia en el mundo de #HarryPotter , y me impactó que se parezca tanto a la distribución que #SamuelPHuntington hace del mundo en «civilizaciones».
Yo sabía que #JKRowling presenta tendencias derechistas, pero no me imaginé que fuera promotora de la teoría del #ChoqueDeCivilizaciones 🙈.
#choquedecivilizaciones #ClashOfCivilizations #jkrowling #SamuelPHuntington #harrypotter
'..1980s, he became a valued adviser to the South African regime, which used his ideas on political order to craft its "total strategy" to reform apartheid and suppress growing resistance. He assured #SouthAfrica's rulers that increasing the repressive power of the state..can be necessary to effect reform.. requires " #duplicity, #deceit, faulty assumptions and purposeful blindness."..'
#SamuelPHuntington #sychophant for #ThreeLawsOfSocioDynamics by #SergeLang
#SergeLang #ThreeLawsOfSocioDynamics #sychophant #SamuelPHuntington #deceit #duplicity #southafrica
#SergeLang dismissed #SamuelPHuntington's ' use of mathematical equations to relate factors like economic development and political instability as "pseudoscience" and "nonsense" -- "a type of language which gives the illusion of science without any of its substance.".. He 'challenged Huntington's description of apartheid in #southafrica in the 1960s as a "satisfied society." '
#southafrica #SamuelPHuntington #SergeLang
@strypey Your posts are reminding me of #NoamChomsky ridiculing #ClashOfCivilizations by #SamuelPHuntington . #Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country, not Iraq or Somalia... My high-school Geometry text was a good, plain book by #SergeLang. It was fascinating to search the math teacher and see that he rejected Huntington for using #MathAsPropaganda, a #PsueodScience, to show #ApartheidSouthAfrica as a "satisfied society"...
#ApartheidSouthAfrica #PsueodScience #MathAsPropaganda #SergeLang #indonesia #SamuelPHuntington #clashofcivilizations #noamchomsky