Am Mittwoch, den 16. Juli um 20.00 Uhr wurde #Fariba_Zandkarimi, eine Lehrerin im Bildungsministerium von #Sanadaj, vom Geheimdienst verhaftet. Fariba befindet sich immer noch in der Haft des Geheimdienstes, ohne das Recht auf einen Anwalt und den Besuch ihrer Familie.
Laut Statistik wurden bisher 16 kurdische LehrerInnen von den Regimekräften verhaftet!
On Wednesday 16 July at 8pm, #Fariba_Zandkarimi, a teacher at the Ministry of Education in #Sanadaj, was arrested by the intelligence service. Fariba is still in the custody of the intelligence service without the right to a lawyer and to visit her family.
According to statistics, 16 Kurdish teachers have been arrested by the regime forces so far!
#fariba_zandkarimi #Sanadaj #frau_leben_freiheit #Women_Life_Freedom #jin_jiyan_azadi #زن_زندگی_آزادی #ژن_ژیان_ئازادی
RT @netblocks
⚠️ Confirmed: Live network data show that internet has been cut in #Sanadaj, Kurdistan Province, #Iran, amid reports of new killings during protests over the death of #MahsaAmini; meanwhile, national mobile disruptions are again in effect 📉