Now they are closing the schools after the attacks on the students.
Non-profit school licence revoked for supporting protests in #Sanandaj
The Welayate-e Fagih education ministry has revoked the licence of a non-profit school in the city of Sanandaj for its support of protests.
#Kurdistan #Iran
Demonstranten auf der Straße zur Unterstützung der zum Tode verurteilten Gefangenen in Isfahan und Brandanschlag auf die Sanandaj Tejarat Bank in der Jami Straße.
Protesters on the street in support of prisoners sentenced to death in Isfahan and arson attack on Sanandaj Tejarat Bank on Jami Street.
#Sanandaj #stop_execution_in_iran
10. April
Die chemischen Angriffe des iranischen Regimes auf Schulen gehen weiter.
Heute wurde eine Grundschule in #Urmia angegriffen und die Mädchen mussten aus der Schule fliehen.
Mehrere andere Schulen wurden in #Sanandaj, #Kermanshah und #Khoy angegriffen.
The Iranian regime's chemical attacks on schools continue.
Today, an elementary school in #Urmia was attacked and the girls had to flee the school.
Several other schools were attacked in #Sanandaj, #Kermanshah and #Khoy.
#Urmia #Sanandaj #Kermanshah #khoy
9. April
Heute ein weiterer chemischer Angriff auf Schüler*innen in verschiedenen Schulen in den Städten #Saqqez und #Sanandaj. In #Saqqez sind 6 Schulen betroffen. Die Schüler*innen wurden ins Krankenhaus gebracht.
Feuer und Flamme dem Patriarchat!
Frauen haben’s längst erkannt: Das ganze System ist anschlagsrelevant!
Today another chemical attack on students* in different schools in #Saqqez and #Sanandaj cities. In #Saqqez 6 schools are affected. The students were taken to hospital.
Fire and flame to the patriarchy!
Women have long since recognised it: The whole system is relevant to the attack!
#Saqqez #Sanandaj #gegen_frauenfeindlichkeit #against_misogyny
5. April
In den Städten #Naqadeh und #Sanandaj wurden heute Mädchenschulen mit chemischem Gas angegriffen.
Girls' schools were attacked with chemical gas in the cities of Naqdeh and Sanandaj today. #Against_hostility
#Naqadeh #Sanandaj #gegen_feindlichkeit #against_hostility #against_misogyny
Mercenaries, fearing protests, have ordered the #Sanandaj Municipality to collect all tyres and metal dustbins in the city.
March 14. #Sanandaj,
#Sanandaj #jin_jiyan_azadi #mahsa_aminin
March 14. #Sanandaj,
#Sanandaj #jin_jiyan_azadi #mahsa_aminin
March 14. #Sanandaj,
#Sanandaj #jin_jiyan_azadi #mahsa_aminin
March 14. #Sanandaj,
#Sanandaj #jin_jiyan_azadi #mahsa_aminin
March 14. #Sanandaj,
#Sanandaj #jin_jiyan_azadi #mahsa_aminin
March 14. #Sanandaj,
#Sanandaj #jin_jiyan_azadi #mahsa_aminin
March 14. #Sanandaj,
Death to Khamenei, death to the dictator
The call #Jin_Jiyan_Azadi heard far and wide in Kurdistan:
March 13
RT @DuezenTekkal
Gänsehaut!♥️ Die #IranRevolution lebt. In #Teheran, #Rafsanjan und #Sanandaj wird das verbotene Protestlied #Baraye von #Shervine heute wieder auf den Straßen gesungen, überall #JinJiyanAzadi-Rufe. Wir müssen weiter Schallverstärker bleiben. Danke für das Video @Khani2Mina
#IranRevolution #teheran #rafsanjan #Sanandaj #baraye #shervine #jinjiyanazadi
March 6, the students of more than 67 schools in #Marvdasht, #Eqlid, #Shahr_e_Kord, #Sisakht, #Dehloran,
#Kohgiluye_and_Boyer_Ahmad, #Larestan, #Salamas, #Gachsaran, #Ilam, #Masal, #Mianeh, #Semnan, #Andimeshk, #Babol, ##Mashhad, #Divandarreh, #Darrud, #Kashan, #Mehrān, #Divandarreh, #Marivan, #Maku, #Sanandaj, #Izeh, #Zanjan, #Naghadeh, #Kerman, #Takab, #Gorgan, #Ghuchan, #Shanderman District, #Naghadeh, #Cowdash,
#Harsin, #Islamabad_e_Gharb, #Zahedan, #Estahban, #Marand, #Shush, #Nishapur, #Azarshahr, #Khondab, #Dezful, #Pol_e_Dochtar, #Dehloran, #Mahabad, #Nishapur, poisoned by inhaling gas, the criminal phenomenon is spreading across the country.
#marvdasht #eqlid #shahr_e_kord #sisakht #dehloran #kohgiluye_and_boyer_ahmad #larestan #salamas #Gachsaran #Ilam #masal #mianeh #semnan #Andimeshk #Babol #Mashhad #divandarreh #darrud #kashan #Mehran #Marivan #maku #Sanandaj #Izeh #zanjan #Naghadeh #kerman #takab #gorgan #ghuchan #shanderman #cowdash #harsin #islamabad_e_gharb #Zahedan #estahban #marand #shush #nishapur #Azarshahr #khondab #Dezful #pol_e_dochtar #mahabad #mahsa_aminin