Today in Labor History September 9, 1981: The Sandinista government banned all strikes. We’re a workers’ paradise, motherfucker. We don’t need strikes! Yippie!
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Nicaragua #Sandinista #socialism #union #strike
#workingclass #LaborHistory #Nicaragua #Sandinista #socialism #union #strike
Today in Labor History July 19, 1979: Sandinista rebels overthrew the Somoza government in Nicaragua, ending the authoritarian 43-year Somoza family dynasty and replacing it with a revolutionary government. They instituted a program of mass literacy, gender equality and access to medical care. However, they also committed many human rights abuses, including the oppression and mass execution of indigenous people. The Sandinistas are named after Augusto Sandino, who led the rebellion against the U.S. occupation of Nicaragua in the 1930s. He was murdered by Somoza senior in 1934, launching the decades-long dictatorship. In the 1920s, Sandino lived in exile, in Mexico, where he was influenced by anti-imperialist, anarchist and communist revolutionaries, including the IWW. The original and modern Sandinista flags were influenced by the IWW’s anarcho-syndicalist red and black colors.
The CIA orchestrated a Civil War between the Sandinistas and the right-wing Contras from 1984-1989. The Contras blew up rural schools and hospitals and routinely carried out rape and torture. In 1983, U.S. Congress passed the Boland Amendment, banning further aid to the Contrals. And in 1984, the International Court of Justice ruled that the U.S. prior support had been in violation of International law. However, even after the Boland Amendment, the Reagan administration continued to back the Contras by raising money from allies and covertly selling arms to Iran (then engaged in a war with Iraq), and funneling the proceeds to the Contras. In later Congressional hearings, when questioned for 8 hours, Reagan responded that he couldn’t remember at least 124 times, which was sufficient for Congress to absolve him of violating their own law, while National Security Council aide Lt. Col. Oliver North took much of the blame.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Sandinista #Nicaragua #socialism #IndigenousRights #HumanRights #CivilWar #CIA #imperialism #reagan #rape #torture #dictator #IWW
#workingclass #LaborHistory #Sandinista #Nicaragua #socialism #indigenousrights #humanrights #civilwar #cia #imperialism #reagan #rape #torture #dictator #IWW
Today in Labor History July 2, 1929: Augusto Sandino left for México to seek aid for his Nicaraguan rebels, fighting the U.S. occupation of his country. The rebellion lasted from 1927-1933. In 1934, he was assassinated by General Anastasio Somoza, who seized power in a 1936 coup d’etat, and who, along with his sons, ran the country as dictators until the Sandinista Revolution of 1979 ended their reign of terror. While in México during early 1920s, Sandino participated in strikes led by the IWW. Inspired by the Wobblies, he returned to foment revolution in Nicaragua, adopting the IWW's black and red syndicalist colors in their Revolutionary Flag.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #sandino #Sandinista #Revolution #rebellion #occupation #imperialism #IWW #Nicaragua #mexico #dictator #anarchism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #sandino #Sandinista #Revolution #rebellion #occupation #imperialism #IWW #Nicaragua #mexico #dictator #anarchism
Nos pareció acertado musicalizar con #CareerOpportunities en la versión que #TheClash nos regaló para el disco #Sandinista. Niños cantando sobre la precarización laboral y viendo su propio futuro en una canción contra la demonización del desempleo
#CareerOpportunities #theclash #Sandinista
Jorge Rodríguez spreekt zijn verontwaardiging uit over wreedheden jegens Alex Saab (brief)
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Nicaragua’s Nieuwe Weg
Bron: Becca Mohally Renk, Morningstar Online
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Het neoliberale Nicaragua van de jaren '90 is onherkenbaar van het Nicaragua van vandaag.
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#Uncategorized #Sandinista
Opinie: Nicaragua – Een revolutie die het verdedigen waard is
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#Nicaragua #Sandinista