#volcan #volcano #Sangay #Cotopaxi #Reventador Journée rarissime où les 3 éruptions en cours en Equateur étaient visibles depuis l'espace simultanément/Extremely rare day when the 3 eruptions in Ecuador were simultaneously visible from space; données/Data SENTINEL 2 - EAS/Copernicus
#volcan #volcano #Sangay #cotopaxi #reventador
#volcan #volcano #Reventador #Cotopaxi #Sangay Ces derniers jours de 2022 ont offert des vues exceptionnellement dégagées de ces édifices (tous avec activité éruptive) habituellement dans les nuages/These last days offered some exceptionnal clear view of them (all with eruptive activity), usually covered by clouds; données/Data SENTINEL 2 - ESA/Copernicus
#volcan #volcano #reventador #cotopaxi #Sangay
RT @Pierre_Markuse: 🟠 Sangay #Volcano🌋 ash cloud, #Ecuador🇪🇨 12 November 2022 #Copernicus🇪🇺 #Sentinel-2🛰️ Full-size ➡️ https://www.flickr.com/photos/pierre_markuse/52497446803/ #scicomm #OpenData #RemoteSensing #Sangay Image is about 17 kilometers wide
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1592045478203756544
#volcano #ecuador #Copernicus #Sentinel #scicomm #opendata #RemoteSensing #Sangay
RT @Pierre_Markuse: 🟠 Sangay #Volcano🌋 ash plume, #Ecuador🇪🇨 14 August 2022 #Copernicus🇪🇺 #Sentinel-2🛰️ Full-size ➡️ https://www.flickr.com/photos/pierre_markuse/52286139098/ #RemoteSensing #OpenData #scicomm #Sangay Image is about 23 kilometers wide
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1559053215441866752
#volcano #ecuador #Copernicus #Sentinel #RemoteSensing #opendata #scicomm #Sangay
RT @ar_etsch: 🌋👀🛰#Sangay #volcano #Ecuador 2022.05.21
Seen from 🛰#Sentinel2 True color mixed IR highlights lava flow.
Footage: @CopernicusEU @sentinel_hub
#Sangay #volcano #ecuador #Sentinel2
RT @ar_etsch: 🌋👀🛰#Sangay #volcano #Ecuador 2022.05.21
Seen from 🛰#Sentinel2 True color mixed IR highlights lava flow.
Footage: @CopernicusEU @sentinel_hub
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1528579176646811651
#Sangay #volcano #ecuador #Sentinel2
RT @CultureVolcan: #volcan #volcano #Sangay L'éruption reste soutenue et continue de produire une coulée longue de 2km sur le flanc nord-ouest/Eruption is ongoing and still produces a 2km long lava flow on the north-west flank; via @sentinel_hub @esa @CopernicusEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1514845673455292424
In Ecuador haben wir Verwandte, sie haben uns diese Fotos vom Vulcan Sangay geschickt.
Er befindet sich südsüdöstlich von Quito.
Erwartet werden in der Zone Erdbeben wechselnder Stärke und Ascheregen.
Alarmstufe gelb bis jetzt.
#paraguay #ecuador #vulkan #vulcanausbruch #erdbeben #sangay
#Sangay #vulcanausbruch #paraguay #ecuador #vulkan #erdbeben