I've been lax on sharing photos lately. Had a lovely afternoon with my neglected AE-1 Program a couple of months ago. A wonderful camera that I surely underutilize.
Canon AE-1 Program w/ 50mm f1.8 - SantaColor 100
#Chicago #streetphotography #Canon #AE1Program #SantaColor100
#chicago #streetphotography #canon #ae1program #SantaColor100
I shared this diptych on the r/analog subreddit the other day to which it was received nicely. A last hurrah for another soon to be dying internet staple.
Fuji GW690 w/ SantaColor 100 35mm. Digitized at home by me with a Sony a6000.
#Fuji #Fujifilm #GW690 #SantaColor100 #Chicago #streetphotography #film #analog
#fuji #fujifilm #GW690 #SantaColor100 #chicago #streetphotography #film #analog
Knocking out the last few frames of film before dropping off a roll at Bellows last month. First time shooting with my Canon AE-1 Program in a couple years and I came away really wanting to spend a lot more time with that camera this year.
Canon AE-1 Program, FD 50mm f1.8 w/ SantaColor 100
#Canon #AE1Program #SantaColor100 #Chicago #streetphotography #film #filmisnotdead #analog
#canon #ae1program #SantaColor100 #chicago #streetphotography #film #filmisnotdead #analog
And the best part is that the film is hand rolled into the canisters by four ukrainian moms who are in Finland as refugees from the horrible war.
#santacolor100 #filmisnotdead #photography
Here’s a news article in finnish:
#SantaColor100 #filmisnotdead #photography
Need color film? In Finland we have this thing called ”Let’s do it!”
I just received my first five roll batch of Santa Color 100 color negative film. Can’t wait to be shooting it, it has gathered mostly positive rewievs.
#FilmsNotDead #Santacolor100 #Finland #film #photography #filmphotography
#Filmsnotdead #SantaColor100 #finland #film #photography #filmphotography
Beach Closed. No Swimming.
Shot with the Contax IIIa on #SantaColor100 and developed in ECN-2. I messed up this roll when rewinding, and only got seven shots off of it, but I’m pretty happy with the colors on those seven.