Pai / Parvati IV from 3x3 Eyes
It's from #inktober, 2020. The prompt was "Third Eye" and I couldn't resist to make a fanart of the last Sanyijan.
If you're interested in the story and you're thinking about watching the anime series please don't. You can't tell a 40 books long story in just 4 episodes. Take the time and read the manga, please.
#Pai #ParvatiIV #SazanEyes #SazanAizu #3x3eyes #Sanyijan #TraditionalArt #Art #MopaniArt #ink
#ink #MopaniArt #art #TraditionalArt #Sanyijan #3x3eyes #SazanAizu #sazaneyes #ParvatiIV #pai #inktober