To see how that works in the real world, check out "The Anti-Ownership Ebook Economy," a magisterial piece of scholarship from #SarahLamdan, #JasonSchultz, #MichaelWeinberg and #ClaireWoodcock:
> Something happened when we shifted to digital formats that created a loss of rights for readers. Pulling back the curtain on the evolution of ebooks offers some clarity to how the shift to digital left ownership behind in the analog world.
#SarahLamdan #jasonschultz #michaelweinberg #clairewoodcock
For Love or Money?
By #SarahLamdan
most impressive talk this week.
book to read Data Cartels.
Sarah Lamdan is a Professor of Law at CUNY School of Law who specializes in information law. Her research and advocacy span the spectrum from public information access to personal data privacy. Sarah Lamdan is also a law librarian with a master's degree in library and information science.
Touches on data brokers like Relx (LexisNexis, scopus, elsevier)
@jonny Related to that 2FA bit:
"Surveillance capitalism in our libraries " (SWIB21)
Sarah Lamdan, CUNY School of Law
(35m, with slides)
#Libraries #Librarians #SWIB21 #SarahLamdan #CUNY #Surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism
#libraries #librarians #SWIB21 #SarahLamdan #cuny #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism