The bridge to St. Joseph Island, a bit south of Sault Ste. Marie. I had never been there before so I didn't really know what to expect - I passed by this nice picnic spot, and decided I should turn around to check it out in more detail. The whole area was quite scenic.
#BuyIntoArt #Art #Architecture #Bridges #DiscoverON #StJosephIsland #Bridge #SaultSteMarie #Ontario
#ontario #SaultSteMarie #bridge #stjosephisland #DiscoverON #bridges #architecture #art #buyintoart
The Agawa Canyon Tour Train out of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario is a popular attraction during Autumn when the leaves are changing.
#BuyIntoArt #Art #Nature #NaturePhotography #DiscoverON #AgawaCanyon #SaultSteMarie #Ontario
#ontario #SaultSteMarie #agawacanyon #DiscoverON #naturephotography #nature #art #buyintoart
Chippewa Falls, a bit north of Sault Ste. Marie on the Trans Canada Highway, is one of many waterfalls along this route. This is the view from the bottom - the falls continues sort of around the corner in the upper right. I had fun climbing over all those rocks to explore it.
#AYearForArt #ChippewaFalls #DiscoverON #Ontario #SaultSteMarie #Nature #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #nature #SaultSteMarie #ontario #DiscoverON #chippewafalls #ayearforart
#Photography #DigitalArt #SaultSteMarie #NorthernOntario #Ontario #Canada The #MemorialTower is all that is left of The #SaultMemorialGardens, a former ice hockey arena (1949 to 2006). The Gardens' front facade was representative of #StreamlineModerne #architecture style, using straight lines and curved forms - #ArtDeco . The Gardens' most #distinctivefeature was the Memorial Tower and red-lighted beacon.
#distinctivefeature #artdeco #architecture #streamlinemoderne #saultmemorialgardens #memorialtower #canada #ontario #NorthernOntario #SaultSteMarie #DigitalArt #photography