RT @KristinHelene: Ahmadreza Djalali has now been imprisoned for 2295 days and there is still no sign of steps being taken to secure his immediate release.
#SaveAhmadreza's life
@SweMFA @SwedishPM @BelgiumMFA @europarl_en @SwedeninEU @BelgiumEU @eu_eeas
@AnnLinde @AmnestySverige
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MCampomenosi/status/1555951256983699457
Another Swedish citizen arrested in #Iran, to extort the release of an Iranian responsible for mass executions and torture of political prisoners in #Iran who was sentenced to prison, in #Sweden.
Still, Swedish citizen Ahmadreza Djalali is facing his execution, with his death sentence being upheld by Iran.
This is how the hostage business works. #Belgium should take notice.
#SaveAhmadreza #FreeAhmadreza
#hostages #backmail #extortion
#extortion #backmail #hostages #FreeAhmadreza #SaveAhmadreza #belgium #sweden #iran
We must continue to tirelessly fight for the liberation of Ahmedreza #Djalali! #FreeDjalali
RT @Free_Djalali: #Djalali risks execution every minute. His health is deteriorating, mentally and physically. He is being kept hostage, efforts must continue to save Ahmadreza Djalali! #FreeDjalali #SaveAhmadreza
#Djalali #FreeDjalali #SaveAhmadreza
#CarmanDeck ucciso in #Missouri dopo vari processi ingiusti;
In #Iran #AhmadRezaDjalali è ancora vivo ma il boia è sempre vicino.
#HumanRights #SaveAhmadReza #Usa #8giugno
#8giugno #usa #SaveAhmadreza #humanrights #ahmadrezadjalali #iran #missouri #CarmanDeck #nodeathpenalty #NoPenaMorte
In Iran è stato respinto l'ultimo appello degli avvocati di Ahmadreza Djalali. Il ricercatore iraniano naturalizzato svedese rischia di essere mandato a morte in qualsiasi momento! Diciamo con forza #SaveAhmadreza https://www.amnesty.it/appelli/iran-ricercatore-universitario-rischia-la-pena-morte/
"Non è la prima volta in #Iran che registi e artisti vengono presi di mira con censure, arresti o intimidazioni."
Confermata la condanna a morte per #AhmadrezaDjalali
#FirouzehKhosrovani #MinaKeshavarz #HumanRights
#26maggio #humanrights #MinaKeshavarz #FirouzehKhosrovani #SaveAhmadreza #ahmadrezadjalali #iran
The execution of Ahmadreza Djalali, #Swedish #hostage in #Iran, is imminent. If he isn't saved, he will be hanged the day after tomorrow, on May 21st.
"Over a dozen Western nationals are being held in Iran in what activists argue is a policy of hostage-taking aimed at extracting concessions from the West. Two more #French citizens were detained earlier this month."
#FreeAhmadreza #SaveAhmadreza #french #iran #hostage #swedish
RT @KristinHelene: Op vraag van de @EPPGroup een duidelijke boodschap aan het begin van de #EPlenary door Roberta Metsola @EP_President, voorzitter Europees Parlement om onmiddellijk @VUBrussel-gastdocent Ahmadreza Djalali's doodstraf op te heffen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/tomvdkendelaere/status/1526974774165000193
#EPlenary #SaveAhmadreza #FreeDjalali
RT @JytteGuteland: Clear call from European Parliament President @RobertaMetsola that Iran is called upon to immediately lift the death sentence and release Ahmadreza Djalali! #saveahmadreza
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JackieJonesWal1/status/1526922850141077505
Clear call from European Parliament President @RobertaMetsola that Iran is called upon to immediately lift the death sentence and release Ahmadreza Djalali! #saveahmadreza
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JytteGuteland/status/1526921565883052034
RT @JytteGuteland: Clear call from European Parliament President @RobertaMetsola that Iran is called upon to immediately lift the death sentence and release Ahmadreza Djalali! #saveahmadreza
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1526956421509693442
RT @KristinHelene: Very disturbing news: Iran has set the date for Ahmadreza Djalali's execution, May 21.
#SaveAhmadreza's life before it's too late.
@BelgiumMFA @SweMFA @AnnLinde @alexanderdecroo @SwedishPM @eu_eeas @JosepBorrellF @enriquemora_ @europarl_en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MCampomenosi/status/1526670812585017344
"Di giustizia e di umano, in questa situazione, non c'è traccia, da parte del paese che ormai stabilmente detiene il record di esecuzioni effettuate ogni anno nel mondo (nel 2021 più di 300), secondo solo alla Cina, e ormai tra i pochissimi a mettere a morte minorenni all'epoca del reato (o del presunto crimine compiuto) contravvenendo alle norme internazionali."
#12Maggio #NoPenaMorte #SaveAhmadreza
RT @rvdwalle: According to Iran's semi-official ISNA news agency, Prof. Ahmadreza Djalali will be executed on or before May 21. His execution would be cruel and utterly unacceptable. Plans to do so should therefore be halted immediately.
Please retweet.
#SaveAhmadreza #FreeDjalali
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GeertBourgeois/status/1521961262002974724
🩸 Une annonce dramatique.
La vie de cet universitaire iranien, Ahmadreza Djalali, est utilisée par l'#Iran comme moyen de pression dans un chantage juridique avec la #Belgique. Les droits humains ne sont pas négociables.
@ACAT_France @AmnestyFr_PDM @hrw_fr @EELV
RT @AssoECPM: ⚠️#IRAN: Risque d'exécution imminente d'Ahmadreza Djalali. Condamné à mort pour espionnage, il pourrait être exécuté d'ici le 21mai prochai…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MounirSatouri/status/1521873167421161474
#iran #belgique #SaveAhmadreza
RT @DeGraeveWies: Iraanse gevangenissen blijken wachtkamers van de dood. Ook aan Ahmadreza Djalali, de Zweeds-Iraanse VUB-gastprof die na een manifest oneerlijk proces ter dood is veroordeeld, werd meermaals noodzakelijke medische zorg ontzegd. We blijven herhalen:
#FreeDjalali #SaveAhmadreza
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/StevensHelga/status/1513842795693453315
RT @DeGraeveWies: Iraanse gevangenissen blijken wachtkamers van de dood. Ook aan Ahmadreza Djalali, de Zweeds-Iraanse VUB-gastprof die na een manifest oneerlijk proces ter dood is veroordeeld, werd meermaals noodzakelijke medische zorg ontzegd. We blijven herhalen:
#FreeDjalali #SaveAhmadreza
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/markdemesmaeker/status/1513808087093760006
RT @Sandro_sr74@twitter.com
#SaveAhmadreza https://twitter.com/patrickzaki1/status/1481947578673549312
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Sandro_sr74/status/1481950789300011012