Y'all, this petition to protect the music department at Mills College is extremely important for American Experimental Music.
Please at least give it a read. If you do sign, please make sure your name and any affiliations you have are visible and included.
Half of the people in the film Sisters With Transistors were connected to Mills!
Please boost!
Somebody told me today that ~half~ of the people featured in the new film Sisters With Transistors either studied or taught at Mills College.
Now listening: https://othermindsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/first-things-first
Irreverent, fun, weird sound art from former #MillsCollege faculty Anthony Gnazzo
#MillsCollege #SaveMills #SaveCCM
Now listening: https://othermindsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/gallivants-and-garnishes
Ramón Sender was a co-founder of the San Francisco Tape Music Center, which later became The Center for Contemporary Music at #MillsCollege. Sender was instrumental in the invention of the voltage controlled synthesiser and I think I hear a Buchla on this delightfully weird, multilayered album.
#MillsCollege #SaveMills #SaveCCM
Now Listening:
Music from #MillsCollege CCM, spring 2020. This is a selection of what recent students have been doing.
#MillsCollege #SaveMills #SaveCCM
Now listening: https://maryclarebrzytwa.bandcamp.com/album/experimental-electronic
Experimental Electronic by #MillsCollege alum Mary Clare Brzytwa
The extremely cool album photo shows a clarinet with a proximity detector on it. Listening so far, it sounds like left coast dreamy electronics.
#MillsCollege #SaveMills #SaveCCM
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Noisy free improv. Recorded at #MillsCollege by people involved with the music department in various capacities.
#MillsCollege #SaveMills #SaveCCM
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A Rainbow in Curved Air by former #MillsCollege faculty Terry Riley.
His second most influential piece has a droney undercurrent, but is a steady forward momentum. Loopy but linear. Busy but still. The Guardian describes this piece as "feel good".
#MillsCollege #SaveMills #SaveCCM
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Cello and electronics from #MillsCollege teacher Joan Jeanrenaud
Very complicated droney new music vibe.
#MillsCollege #SaveCCM #SaveMills
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Lovely Little Records
A fascinating compilation of the state of experimental electronic music in 1980. Everyone on the record either taught at or studied at #MillsCollege.
John Bischoff was a founding member of The Hub and taught at Mills for ages.
Paul Demarinis is a Mills alum, who has done amazing work with text. (This computer work is 1980!!)
Phil Haromic was a Mills alum and also the housemate of my MA thesis advisor. I wish I'd met him, but alas, he did not survive the AIDS crisis.
Frankie Mann was an early adopter of computer controlled synthesis. I know of her because John Bischoff told me to to look her up. This is one of the only things I've found.
Maggi Payne is a Mills alum and the former director of CCM at Mills. She was my composition teacher.
Blue Gene Tyranny was a teacher at Mills and also a member of the Once group in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His work is extremely influential, especially on piano.
#MillsCollege #MillsMusic #SaveMills #SaveCCM
Now listening:
OM Live: Inner Cities 8 from Other Minds Records
Thoughtful piano music from #MillsCollege's long term composer in residence.
#MillsCollege #MillsMusic #SaveMills #SaveCCM
#MillsMusic https://oliveros.bandcamp.com/album/alien-bog-beautiful-soop
These iconic pieces by Pauline Oliveros were made at the San Francisco Tape Music Centre and the Centre for Contemporary Music at #MillsCollege.
Oliveros wrote: "I was deeply impressed by the sounds from the frog pond outside the studio window at Mills. I loved the accompaniment as I worked on my pieces. Though I never recorded the frogs I was of course influenced by their music."
This is just the time of year that the fogs would be singing. It was an incredible accompaniment to the Moog when I was there.
Mills still has all the synthesisers and equipment used to make these pieces, all accessible to students.
#MillsMusic #MillsCollege #SaveCCM #SaveMills
Any current of former members of the #MillsCollege music community (all genders) want to talk about how we can #SaveCCM and #SaveMills and get organised, hit me up for a matrix chat link
#SaveMills #SaveCCM #MillsCollege
Now listening:
medusae from Chad McKinney and Curtis McKinney
Experimental digital noise from identical twins and mills alumni Chad and Curtis McKinney. The softness of drone, the aggression of glitch, synthesised into a whole.
#MillsMusic #SaveMills #SaveCCM