RT @savefreetv
The #SaveFreeTV campaign calls on the @ConCourtSA bench to consider the plight of the poor facing a TV blackout if analogue broadcasting is switched off too soon.
Read our full statement on the link below. 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿
Article highlights #SABC management's liberal allies in civil society; although it quotes an individual from the more critical #SaveFreeTV alliance, only her job affiliation is given. https://www.publicmediaalliance.org/will-south-africas-long-awaited-analogue-switch-off-still-go-ahead/
Through the years (and they have been many...) of digital migration, govt. insisted that a TV license would be required. Only in the last year or so, realising this is unrealistic, has that been dropped. But until now, the embarrassing flipflop hasn't been publicised. #SaveFreeTV
RT @SentechLtd
#GoDigital #Tshintshaungasali
#SaveFreeTV #GoDigital #TshintshaUngasali
Partial victory for #SaveFreeTV https://savefreetv.org.za/postponement-welcomed/ Campaigners should mention that any old monitor becomes a TV if connected to an appropriate set-top box (STB).
RT @sutherla
South Africa - #SABC claims only 165,000 qualifying households have received government set-top boxes, out of 2.9 million. Nonetheless the @DtpsZA minister wanted to switch off analogue #broadcasting. https://twitter.com/TechCentral/status/1508695701953253377
#SaveFreeTV #sabc #broadcasting
RT @BalancingActAfr
South Africa’s digital switch-off will reshape the market and leave an estimated 14 million people without a signal https://www.balancingact-africa.com/news/broadcast-en/47595/south-africas-digital-switch-off-will-reshape-the-market-and-leave-an-estimated-14-million-people-without-a-signal @capetowntv @mikealdridge #TV #DTT #Africa
RT @JustineLimLaw
This is HUGE...
At LAST the #SABCBoard makes public its unhappiness with the Analogue Switch-off Date.
The figures are staggering and @CommsZA needs to listen to the @SABCNews, @eNCA and NGOs such as @SOSCoalition @MediaMattersZA
RT @Khu_Ntshavheni
Eastern Cape it's your turn
#SaveFreeTV #GoDigitalEC #AllHandsOnDeck #TshintshaUngasali
RT @Khu_Ntshavheni
#SaveFreeTV #AllHandsOnDeck #GoDigitalSA
RT @Khu_Ntshavheni
We are leaving no one behind
RT @JPather2
Delegate asks about the concerns raised by FreeTV campaign about analogue switch-off and the danger that millions of SA will be cut-off from tv services at the end of March? @NEMISA_ @MddaMedia
RT @r2kcampaign
Join the Peoples Assembly:
Thursday 10 March, 10h00 - 12h00
*Cape Town:* Isivivana Centre, 8 Mzala St, Khayelitsha
*Durban:* Diakonia Council Of Churches,20 Diakonia Ave, Durban
*Jo’burg:* SAHRC, 27 Stiemens St, Braamfontein