Not only is #Erdogan violating international law, killing civilians and undermining the fight against terror. He is doing it together with #Putin.
Now is the time to act firmly for EU.
The attacks must be stopped immediately!
#SaveKobane #TurkeyAttacksRojava #dkpol #eudk
RT @HDP_Europe: Statement by HDP Foreign Affairs Co-spokespersons @Feleknasuca and @hisyarozsoy
“Let us emphasize that Turkey, which is a member of the @NATO …
#Erdogan #Putin #SaveKobane #TurkeyAttacksRojava #dkpol #eudk
NATO-landet Tyrkiet bomber hospital i den kurdiske by Kobane, der blev verdensberømt for sin heroiske modstand mod IS.
Hvor er forargelsen, kritikken og sanktionerne fra Europa?
Hvor længe vil Vesten se passivt til mens den formørkede Erdogan dræber civile? #SaveKobane #eudk
RT @nilkoc50: Hospital in Kobane destroyed during the Turkish airstrikes at midnight on November 19
Members of the European Parliament denounce the Turkish aggressions against Kurdish regions, calling for action to stop the attacks. #SaveKobane #TurkeyAttacksRojava #eudk #dkpol
#SaveKobane #TurkeyAttacksRojava #eudk #dkpol
The Turkish attacks on Kobane and other Kurdish cities in Northeastern Syria and Northern Iraq is not only a clear violation of international law, but also a destabilizing of safe areas hosting millions of people and a weakening of the fight against ISIS and terror. #SaveKobane
Lige nu bombarderer tyrkisk militær de kurdiske områder i Syrien. #Erdogan må ikke slippe afsted med dette klokkeklare brud på international lov, der vil svække kampen mod IS og terrorisme. Danmark, NATO og EU skal sige klar fra! #SaveKobane #TurkeyAttacksRojava #dkpol #eudk
RT @ElhamAhmadSDC: Turkish military jets are conducting airstrikes against Kobane, Derik, Ad Darbasiyah,and Ain Eissa. Turkey is destabilizing the most stable r…
#Erdogan #SaveKobane #TurkeyAttacksRojava #dkpol #eudk