RT @UriAgnon
BREAKING: Supreme court rules in favour of the Palestinian #Sumreen family - blocking settlers from displacing them and taking their home.
I literally can't believe that I am writing these words.
There is no justice in this system, but sometimes the struggle wins.
RT @ThatDolma@twitter.com
@stopthewall@twitter.com #SaveSilwan #Palestine @btselem@twitter.com #StopDemolitions @FranceskAlbs@twitter.com
#Qatar2022 #FIFAWorldCup2022 https://twitter.com/jerusalemgov/status/1599649341219606528
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThatDolma/status/1599811844239429632
#SaveSilwan #palestine #stopDemolitions #qatar2022 #FifaWorldCup2022
RT @HalimaNyomi@twitter.com
Silwan, East Jerusalem, Palestine.
The precise location where Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth.
The occupation has no legal authority and this is a crime under international law. They are lawless, ethnic cleansing, brutish thugs. #SaveSilwan https://twitter.com/jerusalemgov/status/1599649341219606528
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HalimaNyomi/status/1599788759574511616
#FreePalestine from #israHELL
RT @Sarah_Hassan94@twitter.com
He is not crying! He is actually dying!
IOF forced him to self-demolish his home in Silwan, occupied Jerusalem.
#SaveSilwan #FreePalestine 💔✌️🇵🇸
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Sarah_Hassan94/status/1562379615813128192
#SaveSilwan #lettamaio #israhell #freepalestine #StopIsraeliTerrorism
RT @swilkinsonbc@twitter.com
Activists march to the israeli supreme court to protest its move to evict indigenous Palestinian families from their Silwan homes #SaveSilwan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/swilkinsonbc/status/1542447805599457282
RT @BimkomPlanners@twitter.com
פעילים התקהלו בחוץ עיריית ירושלים להפגין נגד התוכנית להרוס בניין בוואדי קדום שבו גרים 100 אנשים. #saveSilwan @FreeJerusalem1@twitter.com @Mistaclim@twitter.com
RT @PalestineEmbCy@twitter.com
Το δικό σας σπίτι μήπως το γκρέμισε κάποιος παράνομα χθες;Η ντροπή δεν είναι μόνο του κράτους κατοχής του Ισραήλ.Η ντροπή βαραίνει όλους εσάς που που ενώ βλέπετε την εθνοκάθαρση των Παλαιστινίων,γυρίζετε το κεφάλι από την άλλη!#VoiceOfPalestineInCyprus #IsraeliCrimes #SaveSilwan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PalestineEmbCy/status/1524322247728582662
#SaveSilwan #israelicrimes #VoiceOfPalestineInCyprus
RT @swilkinsonbc@twitter.com
Forcibly expelled by israel in 14 days time, Abdullah Khader cries: if the judge is your opponent to whom should you complain? #SaveSilwan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/swilkinsonbc/status/1420001402470993962
RT @swilkinsonbc@twitter.com
Forcibly expelled by israel in 14 days time, Abdullah Khader cries: if the judge is your opponent to whom should you complain? #SaveSilwan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/swilkinsonbc/status/1420001402470993962
RT @ROZANASH1@twitter.com
The Israeli apartheid forces removed Palestinian flags raised on the streets of Silwan neighborhood, occupied Jerusalem.
RT @DrHananAshrawi@twitter.com
These would be your own tears & your own daughter’s trauma if your house were being demolished. Stop #IsraeliCrimes #SaveSilwan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrHananAshrawi/status/1414890016422211594
#israelicrimes #SaveSilwan #freepalestine
RT @RadicalHaifa@twitter.com
Long live the Palestinian resistance! ❤️🖤💚🤍
Stay updated:
#SaveSheikhJarrah #SaveSilwan #SaveBeita #GazaUnderAttack #BDS #FreePalestine #NizarBanat #antireport
@BDSmovement@twitter.com @m7mdkurd@twitter.com @activestills@twitter.com @EyeonPalestine@twitter.com @QudsNen@twitter.com @intifada@twitter.com
#antireport #NizarBanat #freepalestine #bds #gazaunderattack #SaveBeita #SaveSilwan #SaveSheikhJarrah
RT @MintPressNews@twitter.com
The latest piece by artist @LatuffCartoons@twitter.com on Occupied #Silwan standing up to #Israel's new Prime Minister #NaftaliBennett who seems to have a penchant for ethnic cleansing.
#SaveSilwan #naftalibennett #israel #Silwan
RT @ChristineJameis@twitter.com
Israeli occupation has ordered a Palestinian man, named Khader Odeh, to self-demolish his own home in Silwan, and if he doesn't do so, the Israeli government will demolish it and he will bear the demolition costs. Heartbreaking.
Να ξυπνάς και να βλέπεις τους έποικους να χτίζουν μες στη γη σου και να σου λένε ότι δεν μπορείς να μπεις στο σπίτι σου...
RT @gazaapost@twitter.com
Imagine that you woke up in the morning and found people on your land next to your house who were building a house for someone and then you were prevented from entering it!!!
#SaveSheikhJarrah #SaveSilwan #antireport
Just think the trauma this kid will have... Then think again about "violent arabs".
RT @Africa4Pal@twitter.com
“My room was here”💔😭
This 4 year old Palestinian minor narrates how his home in Silwan was demolished by Israeli forces.
RT @swilkinsonbc@twitter.com
Israeli occupiers block all entrances leading to Al-Bustan in Silwan to prevent outsiders joining forces in solidarity #SaveSilwan #انقذوا_سلوان
RT @sahar_alalami
بدء أعمال الهدم في حي البستان.
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RT @YourFriendSamer
#SaveSilwan israel is demolishing the homes of 13 Palestinian families today to make way for a “Biblical Park” for racist Christian Americans to visit. Settler colonialism means tourism is worth more than the indigenous persons lives.
RT @drosepali