Abusi e maltrattamenti sui minori palestinesi nel sistema di detenzione militare israeliano https://altreconomia.it/abusi-e-maltrattamenti-sui-minori-palestinesi-nel-sistema-di-detenzione-militare-israeliano/ #minoriincarcerati #Approfondimento #SaveTheChildren #cirgiordania #occupazione #palestinesi #apartheid #palestina #ijustice #prigione #carceri #israele
#minoriincarcerati #Approfondimento #SaveTheChildren #cirgiordania #occupazione #palestinesi #apartheid #palestina #ijustice #prigione #carceri #israele
Viaggio nelle serre della Fascia trasformata, dove anche i minori sono costretti a lavorare https://altreconomia.it/viaggio-nella-fascia-trasformata-dove-i-minori-pagano-il-prezzo-piu-alto-dello-sfruttamento/ #sfruttamentolavorativo #dirittidellavoratore #fasciatrasformata #orizzontiacolori #SaveTheChildren #lavorominorile #piccolischiavi #serreragusano #Reportage #emergency #vittoria #daouda #ragusa #acate
#sfruttamentolavorativo #dirittidellavoratore #fasciatrasformata #orizzontiacolori #SaveTheChildren #lavorominorile #piccolischiavi #serreragusano #reportage #emergency #Vittoria #Daouda #ragusa #Acate
Wszystkim, którzy uważają, że inicjatywa #ChrońmyDzieci jest niepotrzebna, proponuję zobaczyć co proponują naszym dzieciom pewne środowiska 😱 #DragQueen ⤵️⤵️
RT @ReturnOfKappy: Meanwhile, in Belgium, the citizens have had enough of the George Soros funded "Drag Queen Story Hour".... AKA Men wearing women's clothing to indoctrinate your kids......#WeWantAnswers #SaveTheChildren #NWO https://t.co/ghgAQFsTcT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jbrudzinski/status/1654781717637373952
#Chrońmydzieci #dragqueen #WeWantAnswers #SaveTheChildren #nwo
The fourth flight of 🇪🇺EU Humanitarian Air Bridge left Europe today, with 36 tonnes of goods to be delivered to our humanitarian partners on the ground: @UNICEF & #SavetheChildren . https://europa.eu/!hhxNtq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1646122076317556739
Save the Children: preoccupa in Italia il lavoro minorile https://euractiv.it/section/capitali/news/save-the-children-preoccupa-in-italia-il-lavoro-minorile/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #lavorominorile #NEET #SavetheChildren
#SaveTheChildren #NEET #lavorominorile
@rbreich It's not the guns. It's the ammunition.
A gun w/o bullets is just a stick. A single round of .223 AR15 ammunition costs just $0.76! #EndMassShootings by making bullets more expensive. If you agree a ban on High Capacity clips works, then you support bullet control. #SaveTheChildren #ThinkOutsideTheBox #TaxGunpowder #TaxCordite
#endmassshootings #SaveTheChildren #thinkoutsidethebox #taxgunpowder #taxcordite
JUST A THOUGHT: Maybe if kids spent more time singing "Rainbowland" & "Rainbow Connection", they'd be less inclined to bring a gun to school and massacre children? 🤔 #NashvilleSchoolShooting #SaveTheChildren #SaveTheChildrenFromTheFarRight https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-03-24/dolly-parton-and-miley-cyrus-rainbowland-banned
#nashvilleschoolshooting #SaveTheChildren #savethechildrenfromthefarright
@pbump Meanwhile, an Elementary school in WI today banned the song "Rainbow Connection" (yes, Kermit the Frog) and the Dolly Parton/Miley Cyrus duet "Rainbowland" from the school pageant. #SaveTheChildren #NashvilleSchoolShooting 🤦♂️ 😞
#nashvilleschoolshooting #SaveTheChildren
A Waukesha, WI Elementary School BANNED the song "Rainbow Connection" (yes, the Kermit the Frog") classic as well as the Miley Cyruss/Dolly Parton duet "Rainbowland" from their First Grade Spring Concert. 🤬
WAIT FOR IT: Next, these Right Wing homophobic evolutionary throwbacks will ban "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". 🤦♂️
MEANWHILE, THREE MORE CHILDREN WERE KILLED TODAY IN A SCHOOL SHOOTING IN TENNESSEE. #SaveTheChildren https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-03-24/dolly-parton-and-miley-cyrus-rainbowland-banned
U.N. Data: More than 8 Million #Refugees have Fled #Ukraine https://politicaliq.com/2023/02/23/u-n-data-more-than-8-million-refugees-have-fled-ukraine/ #UNHCR #SaveTheChildren #politicaliq #news #politics
#refugees #ukraine #unhcr #SaveTheChildren #politicaliq #News #politics
#MastoArt #Paintings #Ukraine #savethechildren #Conflict #WarinUkraine
Save the Children - Sauver les enfants - セーブ・ザ・チルドレン - Rette die Kinder - E ho'ōla i nā keiki - Salvar a las niñas - Red de kinderen
#MastoArt #paintings #ukraine #SaveTheChildren #Conflict #WARINUKRAINE
#JamesGordonMeek , former @abc_news military correspondent; Shamings will continue until morals improve. ⬇️ #SaveTheChildren
#jamesgordonmeek #SaveTheChildren
Cibo e solidarietà nell’iniziativa di CiaoKebab in supporto a progetti per l’infanzia di Save The Children https://www.bandieragialla.it/news/cibo-e-solidarieta-nelliniziativa-di-ciaokebab-in-supporto-a-progetti-per-linfanzia-di-save-the-children/ #Savethechildren #solidarietà #infanzia #Bologna #News
#news #bologna #infanzia #solidarietà #SaveTheChildren
broke/woke/bespoke #savethechildren #freetopg idk you figure out the format
#KingsSpeech a Speech devoid of the truth that Britain is broken by 12 yrs of #Conservative Government, broken by #brexit , leaving the poorest in society relying on #SaveTheChildren to feed them, this #britain 2022.
#kingsspeech #Conservative #brexit #SaveTheChildren #britain
It's #ChristmasJumper time! We always wear them at our hometown Barnsley gig to raise money for #SaveTheChildren 🎅☃️
Last year Mark learned his lesson the hard way that you shouldn't wear a full Santa costume on stage....
#Christmasjumper #SaveTheChildren #christmas #concert #ChristmasConcert #StillRoomForPud
Turns out Mike Flynn was at Mar-a-lago larping in a George Washington outfit to start #Pizzagate / #SaveTheChildren 2.0. He’s exploiting the serious problem of child trafficking to traumatize and brainwash people with pure lies.
He even brought back Liz Crokin, one of the most vile Pizzagate/QAnon propagandists in the world. Flynn has been telling his cult to pay more attention to child exploitation videos recently. I guess we know why now. UGH.
#pizzagate #SaveTheChildren #ArrestMikeFlynn
In 1918 Lu Xun was already 37, hardly 'new youth.' But the revolutionary urgency of his prose defined the May4th generation.
In the preface to his short story collection 吶喊 (Call to Arms), he recounts being asked to write for "La Jeunesse," and he demurred, saying:
"Imagine an iron house..." (full quote in image and alt)
- Lu Xun, Preface to Call to Arms 魯迅,吶喊 序, 1922
#everynightapoem #ofsorts #savethechildren #china
#everynightapoem #ofsorts #SaveTheChildren #china
Do you imagine that men will ever listen to assertive women? I just listened to a radio interview where a bulldozing host would not let an accomplished guest speak. I hate misogyny. I especially hate it when men pile on to say she was wrong. #Misogyny #Anti-Vaxxers #Anti-Maskers #SaveTheChildren
Nili Kaplan-Myrth MD PhD
#misogyny #anti #SaveTheChildren
They are apparently involved in some conspiracy to force a political agenda on our children. They might even be reading to them. Not 💯 on that.
#SaveTheChildren #trump2024 #LiberalDogGroomers #HeardItOnYoutube #SisterWives #ViolenceInherentToTheSysyem
#SaveTheChildren #trump2024 #LiberalDogGroomers #HeardItOnYoutube #sisterwives #ViolenceInherentToTheSysyem