@TheEuropeanNetwork This is the smallest part of the evils of this war. The atrocities committed by Russia must meet with justice. All that can be done must be done to #SaveUkrainianLives #SaveUkraine #Ukraine #PutinIsAWarCriminal
#saveukrainianlives #SaveUkraine #ukraine #PutinIsaWarCriminal
"Save Ukraine": 31 verschleppte Kinder zurück bei ihren Familien"
:hug: "Die Kinder und Jugendlichen aus den Regionen #Cherson und #Charkiw waren laut der Organisation nach Russland verschleppt und dort über Monate festgehalten worden. Nun seien sie wieder mit ihren Familien vereint."
:mastoread: #Tagesschau
:mastoread: #SaveUkraine
#GuteNachrichtenSamstag #Cherson #Charkiw #tagesschau #SaveUkraine
https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/08/politics/zelensky-mccarthy-ukraine — He ain’t doing sh¡t because he sizes with vladimir putin. #fact #SaveUkraine 🇺🇦
путлер капут! (Putler Kaput!)
#fuckputin #putler #saveukraine #slavaukraini #putlerkaput
#putlerkaput #SlavaUkraini #SaveUkraine #putler #fuckputin
https://wtop.com/local/2023/02/thousands-rally-in-dc-in-support-of-ukraine-one-year-after-russian-invasion/ — Better than the neo nazi rally from years ago. #SaveUkraine #putin
hahaha I'm reading desantis wanted to send weapons to fight off putin, now backing down. That's what happens when you're on putin's payroll & disregard democracy overall. #SaveUkraine
#Berlin #standwithukraine #saveukraine #stoprussianaggression
#Russia #Putin #Ukraine
Berlin 24.03.2023 https://www.flickr.com/photos/petshoppetshop/albums/72177720306246211/with/52709383914/
#berlin #StandWithUkraine #SaveUkraine #StopRussianAggression #RussianWarCrimes #PutinWarCriminal #russia #putin #ukraine
#Berlin #standwithukraine #saveukraine #stoprussianaggression
#Russia #Putin #Ukraine
#Ukrainia #sw #bw #blackandwhitephotography Berlin 24.03.2023 https://www.flickr.com/photos/petshoppetshop/albums/72177720306246211/with/52709383914/
#berlin #StandWithUkraine #SaveUkraine #StopRussianAggression #RussianWarCrimes #PutinWarCriminal #russia #putin #ukraine #ukrainia #sw #bw #blackandwhitephotography
The dark side of neutrality in times of conflict
"Russia’s imperialist war is itself an act of colonialism. Those who would claim neutrality forfeit their standing to complain about the horrors of colonization anywhere. Waters is a vocal exponent of the Palestinian resistance to Israeli colonization. Why is Ukrainian resistance to Russian colonization any less worthy of support? Sometimes, things really are as simple as that"
#StopPutin #SlavaUkraini #SaveUkraine #Peace
#StopPutin #SlavaUkraini #SaveUkraine #peace
:ablobjoy: :ablobjoy: :ablobjoy:
putin’s generals are pissed off President #Biden visited Ukraine before the 1 year anniversary. Seriously upstaging their celebrations.
RT @AnastassiaFedyk@twitter.com
Eye-witness account of the aftermath of today's attack in #Dnipro from a teenage girl:
14-year-old boys climbed on the ruins to help dig out the debris. Their hands cut on the glass. They heard the screams of those under the ruble.
#RussiaIsATerroristState #Ukraine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AnastassiaFedyk/status/1614544043417178112
#dnipro #RussiaIsATerroristState #ukraine #SaveUkraine
RT @pipp100@twitter.com
@EmineDzheppar@twitter.com @dkaleniuk@twitter.com War is but a battle to survive the horrors and bloodbath until it ends. Putin's 'Special Operation is a heinous Genocide killing of Ukrainians..for no reason but his disturbed mind. This War is a fight for all our freedoms every man woman child #SaveUkraine
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1611833914494009346#m
Two of the biggest POS in Congress!
#SaveUkraine #StandWithUkraine
RT @wendy_dyers@twitter.com
Live now on the @MriyaReport@twitter.com -
@MalcolmNance@twitter.com @jmvasquez1974@twitter.com @RipRawlings@twitter.com @ChuckPfarrer@twitter.com @Matt_VanDyke@twitter.com @YAmzallagh@twitter.com @JThomason88@twitter.com - All star panel.
#SaveUkraine #ArmUkraineNow https://twitter.com/MriyaReport/status/1611124599768465411
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/wendy_dyers/status/1611445123547598888
#ArmUkraineNow #SaveUkraine #SlavaUkraini
RT @wendy_dyers@twitter.com
"We'd been rehearsing 'forever and a day' forever, but only got to perform it for a day".
The Ukrainian character is inspirational.
#SaveUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #FreetheLeopards @morphiaz@twitter.com @domenpresern@twitter.com @OckersM@twitter.com @cherry78ro@twitter.com @B1on4de@twitter.com @catjanitor@twitter.com https://twitter.com/vamelina/status/1608026698104115200
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/wendy_dyers/status/1608081017151328256
#freetheleopards #ArmUkraineNow #SaveUkraine #SlavaUkraini
RT @wendy_dyers@twitter.com
"We'd been rehearsing 'forever and a day' forever, but only got to perform it for a day".
The Ukrainian character is inspirational.
#SaveUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #FreetheLeopards @morphiaz@twitter.com @domenpresern@twitter.com @OckersM@twitter.com @cherry78ro@twitter.com @B1on4de@twitter.com @catjanitor@twitter.com https://twitter.com/vamelina/status/1608026698104115200
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/wendy_dyers/status/1608081017151328256
#SlavaUkraini #SaveUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #freetheleopards
RT @AnonOpsRevolt2@twitter.com
The payment of aid to #Russia is #DDoS. North Korea propaganda website is now going to be crushed.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsRevolt2/status/1607015878666878976
#russia #ddos #NAFO #Article5 #opnorthkorea #OpRussia #ITArmyOfUkraine #SaveUkraine #SlavaUkraini #FckPutin #ukraine #StopRussia #Anonymous #ITSec #itsecurity #hactivism #anonops
RT @wendy_dyers@twitter.com
It is a pleasure to hear the unique Peter Doran, @PeterBDoran@twitter.com, passing on a Christmas story of #GeorgeWashington on the @MriyaReport@twitter.com.
With @BalticSnowTiger@twitter.com
#MriyaReport #SaveUkraine #ArmUkraineNow https://twitter.com/MriyaReport/status/1606176840980103169
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/wendy_dyers/status/1606684378238779393
#ArmUkraineNow #SaveUkraine #mriyareport #SlavaUkraini #georgewashington
@rbreich I thought that too, until thug Putin decided to bomb Ukraine into submission. It unfortunately costs a lot of money to protect democracy. I’m sure there is egregious waste in our Military budget but there is waste everywhere else in government too. #SaveUkraine #Ukrainains #DefeatPutin
#DefeatPutin #ukrainains #SaveUkraine