#SaveYouAClick: Because retail in person sucks. (Online is only marginally better.)
>Why isn’t shopping fun anymore? https://thehustle.co/why-isn-t-shopping-fun-anymore/
#SaveYouAClick: Sort of, kind of. They are keeping two languages for elective class here or there, barely enough for a minor if at all. All else gone.
>West Virginia University no longer plans to completely eliminate world languages https://www.highereddive.com/news/west-virginia-university-no-longer-plans-to-completely-eliminate-world-lang/692217/
#BadEconomy #highered #academia #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: It's a Korean airline, and it is for testing aircraft safety.
>Airline starts weighing passengers: Here's why https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4178020-airline-starts-weighing-passengers-heres-why/
#SaveYouAClick #FlyingCattleCars #fyi
#SaveYouAClick: Jump, bail out when he slows down. (On serious note, Abby's advice was good here even if the person sort of answered their own question). P.S. Please DO NOT drink and drive.
>Dear Abby: What do I do when the driver starts drinking at the wheel? https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/8/26/23846654/dear-abby-what-do-i-do-when-the-driver-starts-drinking-at-the-wheel
#SaveYouAClick: Yes. Done. No need to explain or ask forgiveness. Life is too short to waste it on a book you are not enjoying (or some bait click article).
BTW, need help finding good books to read? Talk to your reader's advisor librarian at your local public library.
>Should You Stop Reading A Book If You’re Not Enjoying It?
#reading #books #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: Don't call them critics because they are paid shills for the most part. They are not really reviewing.
FTA: "Without the salary of a news organization, MovieTok creators earn money by partnering with entertainment companies. A sponsored post promoting a film or streaming service can be worth anywhere from $1,000 to $30,000."
They review movies on TikTok, but don’t call them critics https://www.sanjuandailystar.com/post/they-review-movies-on-tiktok-but-don-t-call-them-critics
#films #movies #socialmedia #BadEconomy #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: If you need to ask, you are probably one of the assholes that are reasons to avoid the #FlyingCattleCars. Having said that, there may be a few things the airlines are just doing overkill.
Are you an unruly passenger? How to know https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4159928-are-you-an-unruly-passenger-how-to-know/
#FlyingCattleCars #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: Because when I think "sushi," I think "hey, Kroger." Good grief.
FTA: "Grocery store sushi is cheaper than restaurants and comes pre-packaged — grabbable for lunch-on-the-go or an after-school snack for kids."
America's top sushi seller likely isn't who you expect https://www.axios.com/2023/08/20/sushi-sales-kroger-us-leader
#food #sushi #BadEconomy #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: No, not good for you according to the no joy for you scientists, but it seems to still be a heck of a good placebo.
Ginger ale often tried for upset stomach, but is it good for you? https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/8/18/23830876/ginger-ale-stomach-upset-healthy-eating
#medical #health #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: Don't read news. OK, joke aside, do CUT your consumption and think critically about how and why you engage in #news and/or #SocialMedia.
The strategic questions on the first rule can be helpful.
5 rules for how to read the news — the Big Think way https://bigthink.com/the-learning-curve/5-rules-read-news-big-think-way/
#InfoLit #informationliteracy #socialmedia #news #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: Yes. For me, it died pretty much shortly after I graduated high school. IDGAF about hs reunions (or high school days for that matter).
Is the High School Reunion Dead? https://thewalrus.ca/is-the-high-school-reunion-dead/
#SaveYouAClick: YES, cut the RWNJ off, end of story, and do it soon.
My wife finds her mother’s rightwing rants hurtful. Should we cut her off? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/aug/11/my-wife-finds-her-mothers-rightwing-rants-hurtful-should-we-cut-her-off
#SaveYouAClick: If you can, GTFO #Floriduh.
Florida’s LGBTQ+ College Students Face a Tough Choice: Stay or Go? https://www.insidehighered.com/news/students/diversity/2023/08/08/floridas-lgbtq-college-students-debate-whether-stay-or-go
#HigherEd #academia #LGBTQIA #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #bigotry
#bigotry #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #lgbtqia #academia #highered #Floriduh #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: not much really. Aside from Treasury Secretary bitching about it, meh. Call me when the US gets an F rating so bad not even a pawn shop will loan them money.
#BadEconomy #PartyOfStupid #RepublicanLite #ThisIsAmerica
Fitch just downgraded the U.S. credit rating — how much does it matter? https://www.npr.org/2023/08/02/1178215888/fitch-downgrade-credit-rating-deficits-debt-economy
#thisisamerica #RepublicanLite #PartyOfStupid #BadEconomy #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: Song is basically an anthem to "white good old boys" and every other rural stereotype up to and including "I hear banjos."
But if it is your song, enjoy I guess.
Commentary: ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Is the Antithesis of a Rural Anthem
#thisisamerica #news #countrymusic #music #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: Daughter is an immature inconsiderate fucking idiot. (Seriously, taking out loans, that her parents are helping with by the way? OK, she could minimize that w/the relatively light job). I'll be honest, maybe mom and dad need to say fuck it, we are not subsidizing you anymore, see what happens.
Dear Abby: Daughter balks at being RA to help pay for college https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/7/19/23800705/dear-abby-daughter-balks-at-being-ra-to-help-pay-for-college
#highered #academia #BadEconomy #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: If you can own, buy it on DVD, BlueRay, etc. (or use one of those sites no one talks about but we all know about)
Streaming services are removing original TV and films. What this means for your favourite show – and our cultural heritage https://theconversation.com/streaming-services-are-removing-original-tv-and-films-what-this-means-for-your-favourite-show-and-our-cultural-heritage-208746
#media #movies #television #preservation #BadEconomy #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: You're fucked!
Big reason I say if the Revolution comes, and by some miracle I am in charge, hackers, scammers, con men, mountebanks, and the rest of the fraudster asshole are first against the wall.
So you gave personal info to a company caught in a data breach. Now what? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/cybersecurity-consumer-protection-tips-1.6900450
#SaveYouAClick Yes, they are, and their gain is #Floriduh's loss.
Are Other States Poaching Florida’s College Administrators? https://www.chronicle.com/article/are-other-states-poaching-floridas-college-administrators
#academia #highered #BoycottFlorida #PartyOfStupid #Floriduh #SaveYouAClick
#SaveYouAClick: Most likely no, but we all have our little indulgences. (They recommend best option is making it yourself.)
Salad dressing: Is your favorite a healthy choice? https://chicago.suntimes.com/taste/2023/6/20/23725386/salad-dressing-dos-and-donts-healthy-eating-tips
#recipes #food #salad #SaveYouAClick