I'm not sure what spell Martin Luther is casting here, but I hope there's a #SavingThrow
Saving Throw Takes on Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds
https://peginc.com/saving-throw-takes-on-pathfinder-for-savage-worlds/ #PathfinderforSavageWorlds #SavingThrow #YouTube #Media #News
#PathfinderforSavageWorlds #SavingThrow #YouTube #media #news
Learn-2-Play Savage Worlds with Saving Throw – Episode 3
Over the past two weeks, the Saving Throw Show team has taught us the basics of Savage Worlds by covering a number of topics including Character Creation, Edges, Hindrances, Gear, and Magic! Tonight on Twitch, the RPG Exploration Society jumps into the gameplay portion of their five-part Learn-2-Play series to show you how all these [...] #SavageWorlds #SavingThrow