@michel_slm Sadly, not really.
I mostly got really good at abusing #CSharp into being a functional language. With a little practice, it can be a very good one. (I'm trying to do the same thing to Python now, but it's a lot harder.)
If you were looking for functional, your best bet would be #scala by way of data engineering someplace that deals with very high traffic, though that's probably not breaking news.
#FunctionalProgramming folks, what's you opinion on this bundle? I don't use #Clojure, #Kotlin or #Scala, but I'm always open to learn new languages and functional programming has been itching me.
#humblebundle #Scala #Kotlin #Clojure #functionalprogramming
Day off today, so, trying to get my head around #Rust :Rust: by starting to write a #Fediverse #Relay from the ground up.
I'm quite liking #Rust so far. A bit different from what I'm used in (#Java & #Scala). Its more reminiscent of my memories of #C.
Biggest issue is finding good documentation for #relays.
#rust #Fediverse #Relay #Java #Scala #C #relays
RT @adamwarski@twitter.com
#Scala & #tapir on @seradio@twitter.com! Thanks @pbwinston@twitter.com for hosting!
Why Scala? Why on the JVM? What's distinct about tapir? Why a library, not a framework? & more
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/adamwarski/status/1592097738812186624
Tempted to develop a #Java or #Scala implementation of #ActivityPub to provide far more configurable #realys.
Found this really useful starting point: https://activitypub.rocks/
#Java #Scala #activitypub #realys
Howdy, floss.social! I'm not new to mastodon, but I'm migrating from another server.
I'm a #python #dataEngineer professionally, but as a hobbyist I'm a #functionalProgrammer in #elm #rescript #scala.
I write tutorials on those subjects on https://webbureaucrat.gitlab.io/ and Dev.to. (RSS feed link at the bottom if you would like.)
#Scala #rescript #elm #functionalProgrammer #dataengineer #Python #introduction
RT @coding_monkeys@twitter.com
Web Developer with a job🤣🤣.
#AI #ML #vuejs #BigData #cloud #HPC #robotics #Programmer #enjoy #RStats #javascript #creativity #Bioinformatics #100DaysOfCode #Python #java #keras #reactjs #VueJS #RStats #NoSQL #Scala #Linux #AWS #React
#cybersecurity #coding_monkeys
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/coding_monkeys/status/1253292228639784960
#ai #ml #vuejs #bigdata #cloud #HPC #robotics #programmer #enjoy #rstats #javascript #creativity #bioinformatics #100daysofcode #python #java #keras #reactjs #NoSQL #Scala #linux #aws #react #cybersecurity #coding_monkeys