This instance was born as an experiment after @eticadigitale’s #Lab at #Scambi2022, it is hosted on a tiny server that is now overloaded and continuously crashing: it wasn’t intended to live a long life.
Thus, the new #Pan will be more stable, but #glitchy enough to make it #weird and #fun, since it will be hosting #Mastodon #Glitch #Edition (#glitchsoc).
@victorvandort will be our #SysAdmin and we are so grateful he accepted to help us!
#lab #Scambi2022 #Pan #glitchy #weird #fun #mastodon #glitch #edition #glitchsoc #sysadmin #Fediverse #MastoAdmin
@kenobit è arrivato a #Scambi2022 per questo. Non credo saremmo mai riusciti a raggiungerlo così.