Congrats to MSc Jennifer Flores on her first-authored paper exploring habitat occupancy of #Sceloporus lizards in central Mexico! Out now in #Herpetologica #NewPaper #lizards
#Sceloporus #herpetologica #newpaper #lizards
#Lizards in fire-prone ecosystems not only detect the #fires by smelling (, they can also hear it!
*Lizards' response to the sound of fire is modified by fire history* (#OA) | in Animal Behaviour by Álvarez-Ruiz et al. (#CIDE #CSIC)
Fence lizard, #Sceloporus occidentalis, 2018 #WoolseyFire
#AnimalBehavior #fireecology #lizard @wildfirescience #openaccess
#openaccess #lizard #fireecology #animalbehavior #woolseyfire #Sceloporus #CSIC #CIDE #oa #fires #lizards
Thrilled to share our new article "Temperate Zone Isolation by Climate: An Extension of Janzen’s 1967 Hypothesis," in The American Naturalist #IsolationByEnvironment #IsolationByClimate #PopulationGenetics #Janzen1967 #Sceloporus #occidentalis #Phylogenetics
#isolationbyenvironment #isolationbyclimate #populationgenetics #janzen1967 #Sceloporus #occidentalis #phylogenetics
@felicity_muth Check out "Every Word Was Once An Animal" a collaboration between my former mentor, Dr Emilia Martins at #ASU - and UO art Professor Carla Bengston. It has produced #art exhibitions, music, dances and even a perfume! inspired by the science behind #Sceloporus #lizards communication 🦎
#ASU #art #Sceloporus #lizards