@PGLux @DiegoBeghin @Alon @huly @jon
I do not think it is being discussed at all politically or within train activism circles.
Also: I hope not. Having border controls for trains like that is just a stupid idea that should not be further encouraged.
Instead Britain could just develop a healther attitude towards #Schengen.
#brexit #eurostar #germanrail
#Schengen #Brexit #eurostar #Germanrail
It never fails to impress me how any national problem can become an excuse for restoration of border controls. I wonder if the Commission will keep not demanding clear evidence of potential threats in line with CJEU case law
#Schengen #bordercontrols #denmark #RuleofLaw
U Drnišu smo održali godišnji susret s predstavnicima koordinacija @HDZ_HR iz inozemstva. Jedinstvo domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske u temeljima je naših politika. Ulaskom u #Schengen i #Eurozone osnažili smo politički položaj 🇭🇷 u Europi, na korist građana i gospodarstva!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndrejPlenkovic/status/1687866269268398080
Pristupanje #Schengen i uvođenje € strateška su postignuća @VladaRH. Hrvatska time ulazi u najuži krug europskih integracija i postaje atraktivnija turistička i ulagačka destinacija.
81% turista dolazi iz #Schengen, a 59% iz #Eurozone! 🇭🇷🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndrejPlenkovic/status/1684864401646489600
Intervju za @novilisthr o aktualnim političkim i gospodarskim temama. Mjere @VladaRH najesen bit će ciljane i usmjerene prema najugroženijima. Turistički rezultati bolji su nego 2022., a članstvo u #Schengen i #Eurozone otvara novu stranicu 🇭🇷 turizma.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndrejPlenkovic/status/1687343835867758592
Kroz godinu 10. obljetnice članstva u EU, govorimo o projektima koje su poboljšali život hrvatskih građana. Od 1.1.2023. Hrvatska je postala dio #Schengen - prostora slobodnog kretanja ljudi i roba za više od 400 milijuna Europljana. 🇭🇷🤝🇪🇺 #Europskih10
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_HR/status/1686398884757532675
Congratulations to 🇨🇾 Cyprus for issuing their first alerts in SIS, the #Schengen Information System.
Read more about this important milestone for the EU as a whole at https://europa.eu/!8qykcv
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EULISA_agency/status/1683817824618250242
Seit drei Jahren ist Ylva #Johansson EU-Kommissarin für Inneres.
In ihren Aufgabenbereich fallen der Kampf gegen den #Terror, der Aufbau eines EU-weiten Systems für #Migration und #Asyl, das Aufrechterhalten von #Schengen und das neue #Chatkontrolle-Gesetz.
Johanssons Bilanz in all diesen Bereichen ist mangelhaft bis eine Katastrophe. Sie hat einen Deal mit #Tunesien's autokratischem Präsident Kais #Saied geschlossen und gibt ihm Millionen. Ihre eigene sozialdemokratische Fraktion kritisiert Johansson dafür - genauso wie für das bescheuert aufgezogene Chatkontrolle-Gesetz.
#johansson #terror #migration #asyl #Schengen #Chatkontrolle #tunesien #saied
Deux salles, deux ambiances !
L'appréciation des eurodéputés LIBE et PETI sur la proposition de la Commission 🇪🇺 de réforme du Code #Frontières #Schengen est très différente.
Cette semaine, je suis intervenue en détail sur le sujet👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1682134233114898440
So haben die österreichischen EU-Abgeordneten letzte Woche abgestimmt:
Zur Chip-Industrie, Energieeinsparungen, #Renaturierung, Schutz von Journalist*innen und dem #Schengen-Beitritt von Rumänien und Bulgarien.
#Abgeordnetenmonitoring durch die ÖGfE.
#euparlament #österreich
#renaturierung #Schengen #abgeordnetenmonitoring #euparlament #osterreich
Ce 18/07, j’interviendrai en commission @EP_Petitions lors d’une audition publique sur les #Frontières de l’espace #Schengen et notamment les préoccupations des pétitionnaires sur la réintroduction de contrôles qui limitent la libre circulation des personnes au sein de l'#UE 👇 https://t.co/E20qTQxqdH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1680968736977608705
Susretom s premijerom Golobom nastavljamo jačati odnose Hrvatske i Slovenije! Porastu trgovinske razmjene i broja slovenskih posjetitelja pridonijelo je i članstvo Hrvatske u #Schengen i #Eurozone. Razgovaramo o prometnoj, energetskoj, prekograničnoj i policijskoj suradnji.🇭🇷🇸🇮 https://t.co/Wvly0rFtna
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndrejPlenkovic/status/1679816840472608771
Re 5/7 Câte dovezi mai vreți pentru a o lăsa pe Gabriela Firea din brațe să dea explicații celor în drept să le primească? Cu o Românie ținută la ușa #Schengen, cu un guvern care pierde bani din fondurile europene, până unde vreți să întindeți această mascaradă?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CiolosDacian/status/1679792067411685376
First shadow meeting to discuss my @EPInstitutional report on special legislative procedures & key institutional conflicts between @EUCouncilPress & @europarl_en including the unjustified veto of Austria against the accession of Romania to #Schengen https://t.co/jdpI4oeTJT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/negrescuvictor/status/1679397361091584001
Bulgarians and Romanians should not be left on the sidelines in this union. 🇧🇬🇷🇴
The European Parliament resoundingly stands behind Bulgaria and Romania in #Schengen!
We call on the Spanish Presidency to once again bring the vote into focus. https://t.co/SQN6caK8m3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ilhankyuchyuk/status/1679095447560781827
RT Andrey Kovatchev
I call on @vonderleyen to speak to the caretaker government of the Netherlands. We can no longer wait for any election anywhere. Bulgaria and Romania should be part of the #Schengen area this year as well. The hypocrisy must stop! https://t.co/s9JmfoyDKU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/andreykovatchev/status/1679092265413640195
We, @europarl_en, just voted today a new resolution that demands that Council approves the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the #Schengen area by the end of the year. #Romania has been ready to join Schengen for 12 years. 1/2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SMuresan/status/1679082372657020929
Re The opposition of any Member State is unjustified. All EU institutions and 26/27 member states support #Romania 's accession to #Schengen area. 2 independent expert missions that visited Romania last year reconfirmed that our country meets all the conditions for membership. 2/2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SMuresan/status/1679082375123271680
📢Today we called firmly in the @europarl_en for #Romania and #Bulgaria to join #Schengen by the end of 2023!
We send a clear signal again to the Council to stop blocking 🇷🇴&🇧🇬without any legal justification related to accession criteria.
@EPPGroup #EPlenary https://t.co/5LSZFcxiXZ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vinczelorant/status/1679099250318163969
#Romania #Bulgaria #Schengen #EPlenary
The European Parliament is once again joining the #Commission in sending a clear signal on the accession of #Bulgaria🇧🇬 and #Romania🇷🇴 to the #SchengenAgreement. Our place is in #Schengen! https://t.co/TlH2H2kVA4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/djambazki/status/1679089951911059457
#Commission #Bulgaria #Romania #SchengenAgreement #Schengen