Herrlich. Bei dem warmen Sommerregen mit Rad von der #Schlachte zurück nach #Hemelingen. Ist wie duschen, nur ohne Shampoo.
Relax and cheers. Otherwise, nothing of what's going on right now would be bearable.
Outside activity and meeting with some friends is still possible. No way we would go to a bar or restaurant indoors at the moment. Never did during fall/ winter since 2020. Still alive and kicking.
#Fotomontag #StreetPhotography #OutdoorActivity #Socialize #FreshAir #ChillyButChilled #GinTonic #Bremen #Weser #Schlachte #Sundowner #WinterIsComing #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask
#WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver #winteriscoming #Sundowner #Schlachte #Weser #bremen #gintonic #chillybutchilled #freshair #socialize #outdooractivity #streetphotography #Fotomontag