Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
#Love is in the air...
Rare guest in the #garden.
Carpenter bee (#Holzbiene)
#bee #carpenterbee #nature #natur #naturelover #Germany #Deutschland #Brandenburg #Schlenzer #Fotografie #insect #Insekt #Photography #Summer #Sommer
#love #garden #holzbiene #bee #carpenterbee #nature #natur #naturelover #germany #deutschland #brandenburg #Schlenzer #fotografie #insect #insekt #photography #summer #sommer
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
Komet C/2020 Neowise
#NeowiseComet #NEOWISE #Komet #Comet #Germany #Brandenburg #Schlenzer #Astrophotography #photography #fotografie
#NeowiseComet #NEOWISE #komet #comet #germany #brandenburg #Schlenzer #astrophotography #photography #fotografie
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
Komet C/2020 Neowise
#NeowiseComet #NEOWISE #Komet #Comet #Germany #Brandenburg #Schlenzer #Astrophotography #photography #fotografie
#NeowiseComet #NEOWISE #komet #comet #germany #brandenburg #Schlenzer #astrophotography #photography #fotografie
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
Komet C/2020 Neowise
#NeowiseComet #NEOWISE #Komet #Comet #Germany #Brandenburg #Schlenzer #Astrophotography #photography #fotografie
#NeowiseComet #NEOWISE #komet #comet #germany #brandenburg #Schlenzer #astrophotography #photography #fotografie
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
Komet C/2020 Neowise
#NeowiseComet #NEOWISE #Komet #Comet #Germany #Brandenburg #Schlenzer #Astrophotography #photography #fotografie
#NeowiseComet #NEOWISE #komet #comet #germany #brandenburg #Schlenzer #astrophotography #photography #fotografie
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
Sternschuppe am Nachthimmel
Schlenzer, Brandenburg, Germany
#Meteorshower #Meteor #Sternschnuppe #Sternschnuppen #stars #germany #Brandenburg #Schlenzer #photography #art #bergdorf #fotografie #astrophotography
#meteorshower #meteor #sternschnuppe #sternschnuppen #stars #germany #brandenburg #Schlenzer #photography #art #bergdorf #fotografie #astrophotography
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
Sunset by the appletree
#sunset #appletree #Nature #natur #art #germany #Brandenburg #Bergdorf #Schlenzer #MeinSchlenzer #Deutschland
#deutschland #MeinSchlenzer #Schlenzer #bergdorf #brandenburg #germany #art #natur #nature #appletree #sunset
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
Sommer 2022
#Summer #Blüte #Hummel #Germany #brandenburg #Schlenzer #bumblebee #Sommer
#sommer #bumblebee #Schlenzer #brandenburg #germany #hummel #blüte #summer
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
The raven is landing.
#Schlenzer #Germany #brandenburg #common #raven #bird #birdphotography #art #Rabe #Kolkrabe #Vogel #art #photography #fotografie #deutschland
#deutschland #fotografie #photography #vogel #kolkrabe #rabe #art #birdphotography #bird #raven #common #brandenburg #germany #Schlenzer
Michael Müller-Monsé - Photography
Vollmond / Full Moon
09.10.2022 / 23:11 Uhr
#fullmoon #Schlenzer #bergdorf #niedererflaeming #Germany #Deutschland #Brandenburg #moon #Mond #Fotografie #Photo #vollmond #astrophotography
#astrophotography #vollmond #photo #fotografie #mond #moon #brandenburg #deutschland #germany #niedererflaeming #bergdorf #Schlenzer #fullmoon