What can #librarians, especially those at smaller or less robustly funded institutions, do to assist in making scholarly literature freely available to all? https://bit.ly/3Owz5LW
#openaccess #oa #scholarlylit #scholarlyliterature #libraries #archives
#librarians #openaccess #oa #scholarlylit #ScholarlyLiterature #libraries #archives
On Tuesday, 8.12. David Schindler will present our work on SoftwareKG at the PeerJ Symposium on ‘Software Citation, Indexing, and Discoverability‘. SoftwarKG is the largest #KnowledgeGraph of #Software mentions in #ScholarlyLiterature that includes additional information such as software version, developer and URL. More info at: https://twitter.com/peerjcompsci/status/1598648645766811651?s=46&t=gri5IkiQaG01ZulNWQCsqQ
#knowledgegraph #software #ScholarlyLiterature
Launch of Translate Science https://blog.translatescience.org/launch-of-translate-science/
We are a new working group that wants to build tools to make #translations of scientific articles/reports/books, abstracts, titles and terms more accessible and (thus) stimulate the production of such translations.
#Introduction #Introductions #translation #science #scientificLiterature #ScholarlyLiterature #OpenScience #OpenAccess
#helloworld #PleaseBoost #translations #introduction #introductions #translation #science #scientificLiterature #ScholarlyLiterature #OpenScience #openaccess