Hey #parents any opinions on #Scholastic Home Base? Our 7yo convinced us to install this on his tablet earlier today and we didn’t realize it had an online multiplayer component. Later I spotted him tapping away in a chat window and was like “oh hell no” - I read through the moderation policies and scrolled through the chat and it seems safe-ish, but I also know the kind of shit that went down in ToonTown and Club Penguin and that continues to go down in Roblox. Link: https://kids.scholastic.com/kid/homebase/
Das sind die 50 größten Verlage der Welt https://orbanism.com/wasmitbuechern/2020/das-sind-die-50-groessten-verlage-der-welt/ #SpringerNature #ThomsonReuters #WasmitBüchern #HachetteLivre #HarperCollins #WoltersKluwer #ReedElsevier #Bertelsmann #Scholastic #Pearson #Wiley
#springernature #ThomsonReuters #wasmitbüchern #HachetteLivre #HarperCollins #wolterskluwer #ReedElsevier #bertelsmann #Scholastic #Pearson #wiley
A Goosebumps horror survival game is creeping out this summer - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/MVesXNGBaeI/ #CosmicForces #SonyPictures #PCGameNews #Scholastic
#CosmicForces #sonypictures #pcgamenews #Scholastic