According to the Globe Gazette, the #schoolboard of Mason City, #Iowa has begun leveraging #AI technology to cultivate lists of potentially bannable books from the district's libraries ahead of the 2023/24 school year. The result? A #bookban where 19 #books pulled from Mason City #School #Libraries
#SchoolBoard #iowa #ai #bookban #books #school #libraries
«the way that would happen is (if) the progressive vote gets split too many different ways, especially with the low-profile nature of school board elections. There may not be that many conservative voters in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, but if they’re all voting the same way while the progressives are voting all over the place, (that’s a) potential recipe for disaster.»
We're only effective if we get the word out.
No one was running for the unoccupied schoolboard seats in Chapel-Hill Carborro, NC until they heard Moms for Liberty might get the 4 open seats unopposed. Now, there are 19 citizens running to prevent a potential takeover. -- Troy Adamson
#SchoolBoard #MomsforLiberty #Education #history #bannedbooks #books #libraries #science #BlackMastodon #LGBTQ
#SchoolBoard #momsforliberty #Education #history #bannedbooks #books #libraries #Science #BlackMastodon #lgbtq
School superintendent pushing #transgenderism kicked out of #schoolboard #meeting #wokies
#transgenderism #SchoolBoard #meeting #wokies
School superintendent pushing #transgenderism kicked out of #schoolboard #meeting #wokies
#transgenderism #SchoolBoard #meeting #wokies
As an American, THIS DISGUSTS ME!!! WTF Florida?!? This racist bullshite has to STOP!
"The Florida Board of Education approved a new set of standards for how Black history should be taught to middle school students, including instruction on how slavery gave Black people a “personal benefit” because they “developed skills.” The new standards require high school students to be taught that the 1920 Ocoee massacre, where a white mob attacked Black residents, included “acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans.” As many as 60 people were killed when several Black residents attempted to vote, making it the deadliest instance of Election Day violence in U.S. history. The new standards were approved unanimously." (Source:
#racist #whitesupremacy #blm #blacklivesmatter #rondesantis #florida #racism #schoolboard #slavery #revisionist #history
#blm #blacklivesmatter #racist #whitesupremacy #rondesantis #florida #racism #SchoolBoard #slavery #Revisionist #history
Clearly, the #leaders of this #SchoolBoard are #cowards, as are all #racists:
#racists #cowards #SchoolBoard #Leaders
How One New Jersey School Board Flipped to a Conservative Majority
An angry parent confronted a #NewJersey school board president, accelerating a chain of events that pushed the board to the right.
#Schools #Students #Teachers #NJ #SchoolBoard #Education #Parents #Kids #Children
#newjersey #schools #students #teachers #nj #SchoolBoard #Education #parents #kids #children
Local Primary
Please see our blog post for more information:
Maury County Democrats Call Local Primary – Maury County Democratic Party (
#CircuitJudge #county #election #elections #judicial #local #primary #SchoolBoard #voting
#circuitjudge #county #election #elections #judicial #local #primary #SchoolBoard #voting
Filing Deadline for Local Races
#2024 #candidates #CircuitJudge #county #filing #judicial #primary #SchoolBoard #voting
#candidates #circuitjudge #county #filing #judicial #primary #SchoolBoard #voting
Maury County Democrats Call Local Primary
We have called a primary for next year's local elections. The primary will be held the same day as the March 5, 2024 presidential preference primary, and the cost to the taxpayer should be minimal. Voters in this primary will pick Democratic nominees for the August 2024 general election.
#News #2024 #CircuitJudge #election #judicial #primary #SchoolBoard #voting
#News #circuitjudge #election #judicial #primary #SchoolBoard #voting
Fantastic speech! :blobcheerwitch: ❤️
Jackie Goldberg for President 2024! :rainbow_heart_eyes:
School Board President DESTROYS Homophobic Protestors
#Pride #Gay #Lesbian #Trans
#LGBT #NoFear #BornThisWay
#School #SchoolBoard #Teachers
#President #Homophobic
#Protestors #Hate #Fear
#News #iamdb #fear #hate #protestors #homophobic #president #teachers #SchoolBoard #school #bornthisway #nofear #LGBT #Trans #lesbian #gay #pride
This lady is awesome!
#lgbtqia #homophobia #bigotry #cruelty #SchoolBoard
NEW from DSM: During the most recent #Eugene 4J #SchoolBoard meeting, the man who was involved in an altercation at the district's #PrideFest gave an impassioned anti-LGBTQIA+ speech, and another vocal commentator was escorted out.
#eugene #SchoolBoard #pridefest
“Every time a riot breaks out at a #SchoolBoard meeting because the board wants to recognize that gay people exist, that’s #PatRobertson’s shadow. Every time a crusade against teaching the history of race in America leads to a school limiting access to Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem, that’s Pat Robertson’s shadow.”
How Pat Robertson created today’s #Christian nationalist #GOP. Gift link:
#gop #christian #Patrobertson #SchoolBoard
by #OliviaLittle in #MediaMatters:
"Media Matters acquired Moms for Liberty’s legislative advocacy blueprint, a 17-page resource guide detailing the group’s elaborate state legislative plan. It confirms that Moms for Liberty has formally established a legislative program and expanded its organizational jurisdiction from school boards to state legislatures. The document provides detailed instructions on how to establish meetings and relationships with legislators, along with guidance on creating calls to action and developing state legislative agendas."
#MomsForLiberty #StateLegislature #StateLegislatures #statehouses #legislators #SchoolBoards #SchoolBoard #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #AntiLGBTQ
#olivialittle #mediamatters #MomsForLiberty #StateLegislature #StateLegislatures #statehouses #legislators #schoolboards #SchoolBoard #lgbtq #lgbtqia #antilgbtq
Black students say racism rampant at MAST; district removes teacher from classroom :
The complaint centers on inappropriate racial comments made on separate occasions by a vice principal and a teacher.
#CadianCollmanPerez #MASTAcademy #MiamiDadeCountyPublicSchools #racism #schoolboard #Student #systemic #Teacher
#cadiancollmanperez #mastacademy #miamidadecountypublicschools #Racism #SchoolBoard #student #systemic #teacher
#FairfaxCounty #schoolBoard
He Became Convinced the School Board Was Pushing “Transgender Bullshit.” He Ended Up Arrested — and Emboldened.
Eric Jensen, a parent in #NorthCarolina, had
grievances to air about #library
books “trying to convert kids to gay,” and about mask and vaccine mandates. So he joined an activist group and headed to a #SchoolBoard meeting.
#Schools #Arrests #Parents #Students
#northcarolina #library #SchoolBoard #schools #arrests #parents #students
Affaire Hansman contre Neufeld: la Cour Suprême donne raison au prof qui a défendu les élèves 2SLGBTQI+.
Résumé rapide: Barry Neufeld, un réac' de Colombie-Britannique, s'attaque publiquement à un cursus scolaire inclusif alors qu'il est administrateur d'un conseil d'école.
Un prof, Glen Hansman, dit que ses commentaires sont haineux, bigots et transphobes.
Neufeld le poursuit en diffamation parce que comme la plupart des gens de droite, il pense que c'est juste lui qui a le droit de donner son avis.
Hansman se défend en Cour en disant que c'est un SLAPP (poursuite‑bâillon). La Cour lui donne raison et rejette l'action.
Neufeld est pas content, il veut absolument censurer ses critiques. Alors il se rend en Cour d'Appel, qui lui donne raison.
Hasman se rend en Cour Suprême. La Cour Suprême lui donne raison. (La Juge Côté est dissidente.) Conclusion: c'est pas de la diffamation de dire que les tansphobes sont transphobes.
Plus de détails dans cet article:
Je suis en train de lire la décision (consultable ici: Étant pas légiste, j'en comprends juste le quart. Cela dit, il y a des passages intéressants, dont celui-ci. ⬇️
#transphobie #HansmanVNeufeld #BC #Transphobia #SchoolBoard #Écoles #Éducation #CourSuprême #2SLGBTQI #LGBTQIA2 #LGBTQ #LGBT
#transphobie #hansmanvneufeld #bc #transphobia #SchoolBoard #ecoles #education #CourSupreme #2SLGBTQI #lgbtqia2 #lgbtq #lgbt