Fun 'Star Trek: Voyager' watch-through update.
I ATE season 4 in quick fashion. I'm knee deep into season 5 now, watching 'Bride of Chaotica' S05E12, and am struck by just how much the likes of 'WandaVision' owe to Star Trek, as a whole, not just this fantastical example of an episode. How much Star Trek itself inherits from classic sci-fi serials and anthologies, comic, radio, film, and television, and how much it relishes that aspect of its own DNA. TOS IS classic sci-fi and I love that these 90s iterations never shied away from that inherently camp heritage.
'Voyager' finally feels like it's found that happy space the best of DS9 & TNG did between serious sci-fi, as they struggle to find a way home, and joyous, gloriously silly sci-fi what-if episodes of stand alone adventures. Characters able to enter both spaces, like Janeway has finally got a chance to, feel much more three-dimensional and fully fleshed out. And I like her more and more as a result.
I did not lament the loss of Kes, the not quiet two year old love interest was so poorly realised as a character. Her replacement, Seven of Nine, has gone miles in realising that other major thread of the Galaxay, the question of what being human means. I missed so much of her origin story and I'm glad I have the details now. I have thoughts about her costuming, saved for another day.
Dare I say it, Neelix is not even irritating, and there have been episodes where he is featured that have been wholly enjoyable. Notably, 'Once Upon a Time' S05E05, that really served to push the reality of the overarching narrative of having an ETA at home of 75 years, without shoving it in your face. It was subtle, emotional, and walked the line between the serious and silly very well.
As I've got 2.5 seasons to, I look forward to the series holding at this quality.
#StarTrek #Voyager #CaptainJaneway #Neelix #SevenOfNine #VOY #SciFiFri
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Alomandrix did not comprehend Graham's ire. He had only just arrived on this poxy little planet and had initiated a traditional and warm Farluthian greeting - orb on orb. Graham's head was the closest thing to an orb the human had. Graham agreed with the warm bit, but that was where it ended. First Contact.
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Image: Olivier Miche at Unsplash
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A #hypothetical 3-moon sky
If I could leap up and touch
If I could dream on and fly
But that's neither here nor there
It's merely a wishful prayer!
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RT @ElleOteroAuthor
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